When did you start playing Ragnarok Online?

Started by yC, Mar 11, 2012, 10:52 PM

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When did you start playing Ragnarok Online?  Be it Official or Private.

2000 or before
2015 or after


I started playing since 2003 WoE episode, played on a sakray server with my friends in our local cafe, lvl 84 knight and 99 blacksmith. tbh, i scammed people's items quite a lot (cause my acc gender was female, yes u read it right) and no caught, bought emperiums for 30k from my friends since they had no idea what emperium is for and resold it for 500k-1m, and selling things at op prices. i had over 50m zeny on my bs. but then my acc was hacked by a random guy that often playing in the cafe too. karma hurts lol. bad yet hilarious old times lol


The first time when I actually started playing RO was around september 2004? My first Ragnarok Server was AvalonRO - found out because of my older sister who was ultra hyper about the MMOs idea (wow I CAN PLAY WITH OTHER PLAYERS!) - I remember our internet connection was still bad since in my country it wasn't really common to have the internet in your own house haha, was it the cable one? I suck with this one but ye - it was terrible. AvalonRO was the mid-rate server, leveling there was seriously a great thing (I miss it so much since right now I'm stuck on the high rate server haha). I remember my first guild called "Candy Shop" - it was the polish guild (back then polish people were so hype about RO, I could find them anywhere) made by player named BoneThug (all hail Bone, you will never read it but I still remember you clearly). I was lucky enough to meet some players from this server IRL and - surprisingly - I still have contact with them :). I've been playing there for around 4 years I believe but due to my in real life situation I was forced to stop. When I decided to go back, the server was pretty dead already and my friends were gone. I had a small episode with TalonRO (will all respect but I don't feel the spirit of this server even tho it's on the really high position - but we all have our prefers right?) and AncientRO where I made my first evolved homun (god bless amistr, I named it Marshmallow and I spent around 2 weeks to evolve it, god it was the real pain in the donkey I swear..).
HiddenRO was another server that I spent a lot of time on - I loved it because of the really high amount of the headgear quests (hidden quests were the best when you were forced to hang out around the world to find them and when you were the only player in Prontera who was wearing this hat hahahaha). I was close to the GM team there - first GM Core (Portugal game master, pretty enjoyable but sadly I lost contact with him after they merged the MSN with Skype q_q RIP) and also Admin Heartless who was LITERALLy heartless, hanging out with multiple girls and s***. GM Twoface, he was nice but I  never fully recognized him since he literally had "Two Faces" and also GM....[insert name here since I don't remember it lmao] that i still have contact with! Server died itself sadly but it was a great place. Right now I'm hanging in DreamerRO for around 4 years and and I'm also the staff member there - it's literally my second home and I'm glad I finished my RO career there hahaha.

my IGNs: Soah, Ronya, Eluminare - if anyone remembers me, feel free to boom me on the personal message :)!
Eluminare van Rijn - the honest review maker


Korean Alpha Game making phase.
That's why I know too much.


I can't remember the year, but it was a low-rate server called EternalRO where the admin name was Hikaru.


I started playing around early 2005 and I still play a little today when I get the time but nothing is like the old Ragnarok servers.

Anyone here from

Those were the servers I played more than anything.


I started waaaaaaaay back when iRO was free to play, before sakray xD


I got an installer from a kiddie magazine year 2002ish, we installed it, we got addicted, we broke our piggybanks, we became broke, we sold some of our items in-game for cash to continue playing. #GoodTimes
solacero rip


2004 the time that i was in grade school  /heh



2002 phro it was classic no transjob and a bunch of venders in pront lol


It was 2003. People are hype about it and it was the best year.


This is when I was in Junior High School, mid year of 2007 I went to one of internet cafes in a new town that later became my home, everybody played Ragnarok Online so I started to play it as well.. but I didn't realize that it was actually a private server. damn.. I was so noob back then, played 99/70 2nd High Rate but I spent 2 Days to reach maximum level /sob


I want to say 2003-2004 but I don't remember. I'd say maybe 2004-2005 is much more accurate.
Founder of the Ragnarok Online Club.


A revisit to this poll, omg seriously it is ZERO vote for 2015 or after? 


Quote from: yC on Jul 16, 2018, 05:57 PM
A revisit to this poll, omg seriously it is ZERO vote for 2015 or after?
I played RO for the very first time in 2014. Should I have waited a year later to fit the "2015 or after?"  /wah
not ringo

Discord: Ringo#1053