Things that need to be fixed before opening a server

Started by notlikethat, Jan 13, 2024, 04:10 PM

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Hello everyone.
I thought it would be a great idea to bring some of the things to the surface that usually ruin a good server because they are broken.

For example:
- Mi Gao splitting with metamorphosis.

This is easily one of the most famous and absurd things that should be fixed on every server.

It would be nice if we could make this list bigger, since the recent events on that disgusting racist RO server were actually englighting when it comes to things that need to be changed (nodrop / noloot mapflags on the quest maps where you can summon mobs infinitely)

 /ok  /ok  /ok  /ok


Is the Mi Gao metamorphosis behave the same in official server?  If so then it shouldn't be a bug.


This the mob_skill_db of rathena:
Quote1516,Increase Soil@NPC_METAMORPHOSIS,attack,193,2,50,5000,5000,no,self,always,0,1516,,,,,,
And this is hercules:
         SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
         SkillLevel: 2
         Rate: 50
         CastTime: 5000
         Delay: 5000
         SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
         CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
         val0: 1516

Until proven otherwise, it's not a bug and it is 100% legit to leave it like this. But most of server disabled it as QoL service.

For the second part of your message, it's pretty easy to check if a mapflag is missing on some map. But adding custom drops on every mobs without testing or checking if everything is good looks like newbie mistake.


Who said it was a bug? It's something that is just broken and shouldn't be in the game.

It may be "legit" to leave it in the game, but if you want me to destroy your servers economy within the first week for the rest of time, you better have it removed.


Nobody said it is a bug...
Who said it is a good thing? I said that it was legitimate to leave it like this. I mean, it's official.
One more time, official does not mean "best choice".

To answer at your original post, i think mercenaries and repetable quests should be disabled.


Quote from: notlikethat on Jan 14, 2024, 01:01 PMWho said it was a bug? It's something that is just broken and shouldn't be in the game.

It may be "legit" to leave it in the game, but if you want me to destroy your servers economy within the first week for the rest of time, you better have it removed.

How does a mi gao ruin a server economy? it splits at random, The drops aren't that specific or great in quantity. You are also competing with people because it's a popular map and mob of choice before 2nd job. If you mean the mob has custom drops, then yes, that might become a problem, otherwise, it's just a mi gao o_O


Quote from: Fluxion on Jan 14, 2024, 03:48 PMTo answer at your original post, i think mercenaries and repetable quests should be disabled.

I quote because I agree about the repetable quests but I see there is also an influx of people requesting for a "holding hands" approach about the game (that this could apply for the Eden Group) because people fear about the "freedom" that the game gives you about how to play it.
In my opinion, this was a shift that got installed and kills the depth of the game.


Quote from: Felione on Jan 14, 2024, 07:25 PMHow does a mi gao ruin a server economy? it splits at random, The drops aren't that specific or great in quantity. You are also competing with people because it's a popular map and mob of choice before 2nd job. If you mean the mob has custom drops, then yes, that might become a problem, otherwise, it's just a mi gao o_O

You can get to 100 perfect dodge and tank as many as your computer/the server can handle, usually 3-5000.

You can also deadbranch or use azeroth/hylozoist card to get them in a secluded area.

At 1% per attack to split and just over 1s attack time minus casting time you need to tank a bit over 100 to spawn 1 per second, you can easily tank thousands of them and spawn hundreds per minute which can easily approach a million zeny per *minute*

You can also power level doing this, you can kill them with a low level assassin using grimtooth and take a full party from level 60 to 99 on a 1x rate server in a single day with a good setup. You can add in myst case card, mimic card and so on if raw zeny isn't enough for whatever reason.

I cannot stress this enough, if your server allows this the economy is broken beyond repair as soon as someone decides to do it. Every server I've touched in the last few years has it disabled but I've done this on many servers spanning over like a decade; its honestly just absurd. Doing it solo I'd make a few hundred mil and get a few characters to 99 in a day on 5x rate servers, with a group of people to take the loot to town and sell you could make billions in a single day.

As for the topic if you have bot/macro protecetion there isn't many things you can truly 'abuse' - Lots of custom stuff is abusable, such as @refresh, @changegm(can fully upgrade castle economy by using it in middle of convo with NPC, if a guild asks for this command on your server keep a watch on them lol), I've found countless servers where the bank(ctrl+b one) lets you bank zeny in the middle of a convo with an NPC and get the service, I've seen it work with stat resetters and card removers all the way up to NPC's that exchange zeny for items(like gold bars) which basically means its a strait up dupe.

There's things to keep an eye on too, the hugel minigames should be monitored occasionally for anyone macro'ing it or just disabled. You can get combat knife, ice pick and otherwise unobtainable slotted elemental armors from there and in all my years playing Ragnarok I've only seen one server where people sat down and actually did it(even that was with shared accounts and a guild effort to get the armors, it took months, same guild did the god item quests on a server without all castles open to actually make the god items)


Quote from: Orange on Jan 14, 2024, 08:44 PMYou can get to 100 perfect dodge and tank as many as your computer/the server can handle, usually 3-5000.

You can also deadbranch or use azeroth/hylozoist card to get them in a secluded area.

At 1% per attack to split and just over 1s attack time minus casting time you need to tank a bit over 100 to spawn 1 per second, you can easily tank thousands of them and spawn hundreds per minute which can easily approach a million zeny per *minute*

You can also power level doing this, you can kill them with a low level assassin using grimtooth and take a full party from level 60 to 99 on a 1x rate server in a single day with a good setup. You can add in myst case card, mimic card and so on if raw zeny isn't enough for whatever reason.

I cannot stress this enough, if your server allows this the economy is broken beyond repair as soon as someone decides to do it. Every server I've touched in the last few years has it disabled but I've done this on many servers spanning over like a decade; its honestly just absurd. Doing it solo I'd make a few hundred mil and get a few characters to 99 in a day on 5x rate servers, with a group of people to take the loot to town and sell you could make billions in a single day.

As for the topic if you have bot/macro protecetion there isn't many things you can truly 'abuse' - Lots of custom stuff is abusable, such as @refresh, @changegm(can fully upgrade castle economy by using it in middle of convo with NPC, if a guild asks for this command on your server keep a watch on them lol), I've found countless servers where the bank(ctrl+b one) lets you bank zeny in the middle of a convo with an NPC and get the service, I've seen it work with stat resetters and card removers all the way up to NPC's that exchange zeny for items(like gold bars) which basically means its a strait up dupe.

People have really dedicated way too much time to exploiting this game.


something that also can be used to break the economy is the achievement system, many servers put this in without balancing it first, you can easily make a handful of aco, memo near the field exploration chests and make a ton of characters explore said maps, it requires no gear and gives you a lot of red envelopes.

imo one of the worst thinks i have experienced is when servers leave things in from later episodes by accident, such as endless tower with satan morroc mobs on episode 10, the GM team noticed it after a few people exploited this but didn't delete the items as they didn't seem them too broken and were going to reach this update anyways, a few players got diabolous pieces way before they were added, guess which guild was the one that won the WoE that week lol. same goes for skills such as frenzy working like renewal and maps having wrong collision (most notoriously on alberta while teleporting but can happen on more maps as well), skills with renewal descriptions are annoying specially when the server has some custom skills or rebalances but it's not something that breaks the game.

another thing that i have seen is when BG is bugged and some users exploit multi logging to get TONS of medals, one of the worst cases of this was on a server that inadvertently let players use potions outside of BG, they removed battlegrounds altogether as a fix but the damage was already done and the guild kept their stash of consumables in the kafra.

and before i forget, some of the best (worst?) cases of what to fix on a server were related to custom content, on one server they added a custom kafra class, i don't know the details of the bug but a guild found out a way to get infinite zeny with it, they then bought everything that available on vending shops, gifted it away and quit, the server died a few days and closed a month or two after, the other one was a server which had a custom capital+training grounds city where everyone spawned at first, they forgot to set the flag to disallow cultivation so people used hocus pocus to convert the mushrooms into MVPs and filled both the interiors and exterior of the city with high level MVP (they made hocus pocus summon every MVP except from satan morroc), it was annoying for newbies but for me it was free MVPs lol.


-remove unbalance item/gods combo of mvp card etc... from woe&pve rooms

-allows gm only to play by event the game...

-no donation but add sponsor to login an log out for welp owner pocket...

-make content seasonal ET WOE BG EVENT...

-fix most infamous bug mi gao majorous etc... most of the bug of this game comin from quest btw...

-multiclient or pepperoni we are gettin old baby  /gg
Swordman lover


Reflect/reject sword damage capped to max hp. Ice wall abuse for majo/owls. Seal of mjolnir quest adjusted so people don't farm ice picks from it, especially on a smaller server. No access to bloody branch. Bubble gum disappearing on log out so it isn't abused for opening woe chests multiple times if those were improved on a server.

That is something tied to emulator because I remember it being different on old Athena emulators but I'd change mvps/mini bosses caught in ankle snare to be considered rude attack when they get hit and make them tp, these days they are just pinatas that don't even use skills in ankle snare.


for me bot checker is always a must and as if possible show a complete logs for a trust worthy transparent server to the players, for me that is the perfect preparation of a server.


Quote from: SirVahn on Jan 17, 2024, 01:22 AM-allows gm only to play by event the game...
-no donation but add sponsor to login an log out for welp owner pocket...
-make content seasonal ET WOE BG EVENT...
-multiclient or pepperoni we are gettin old baby  /gg
I disagree on these ones.
Quote from: exii on Jun 27, 2015, 06:07 AM
If you think casting quag is a good idea you or your guild heavily failed to create a viable guild rost.


Quote from: Suspension on Jan 17, 2024, 07:53 AMI disagree on these ones.
That why low rate keep open an then close... Ofc my point come from my background an my previous experience, why you disagree sir?
Swordman lover