
Started by Demonalice, Jan 02, 2008, 12:48 PM

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where do i put an sclientinfo.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?>


in your data folder


in a note pad? or something specal... ???


I can make it for you, is that example the exact thing that needs to be in it?
You use notepad and save it as "sclientinfo.xml"


Thanks one more lol [would ask them but i allready applied for event gm >.<]

where do you get an exe? [they dont have one yet they been up for 3 days >.> but people have loged on so there must be a way]


Generally they would have an installer, rar archive, or zip archive.
Making an installer isn't hard, if the admin would like, I can make him one for the server, just have him contact me.


do you mean the client? so you can play?

just google it, there's lots of clients out there you can download. once you have the sclientinfo in your data folder, it'll connect to that server, so you just need updated data/sdata and you're fine.