Newbie starting on a LR server W/O a resetter

Started by xXHuggyBearXx, Sep 17, 2008, 12:53 PM

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I'm just wondering is it recommended? As I mentioned in the title, I'm pretty new to the game and the LR point of view.

All the good servers (well in my opinion anyways) have no resetters etc. I'm fine if there's no warper but no resetter?, thats a toughie seeing as I have to carefully plan out my stats and skills over a fairly long period of time and a mistake could put all my time spent to waste

So um, yeah, is it worth the trade-off for a good WoE experience?


Sure it can be worth it. If the server appeals to you, don't let it stop you. If you're too unsure look into other servers maybe.

If you go with the no-resetter make sure you plan your build ahead and apply skill/stat points carefully.

The hard thing with no resetter is you'll be stuck with 1 build, sometimes pvm and pvp build are very different, so if you want to woe it can be pretty hard.

Consider perhaps a class that does well both in pvp and pvm with the same stat/skills, with perhaps only a change of gear. Such as hunter for example, which is also a good starting class as you need little gears to get started as archer.

Wizard is a good option too and everybody loves support priest so with that kind of build you'll be useful in party pvm and in woe.
[color=darkblue]heRO is a great friendly, pre-renweal, unique and fun server with a great community, give it a try![/color]

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I'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark and assume that hybrid priests are somewhat gimped when compared to they're WoE oriented counterparts?

Being a self confessed WoW addict(been clean for the past 6 months xD), playing a hybrid priest to suit my Battleground farming and PvE farming was somewhat crappy but the cost of re-allocating my talents wasn't too dear and it existed.

Well you know what they say, "A jack of all trades is a jack of on trades".

Well my main intention was to roll a priest. Not too sure but I think I'm going cold turkey but um, yeah, nonetheless a tough choice.


Hybrid priests? Sounds like a bad idea. Make a full support priest, it's good in pvm party and in woe.

Make an alternate character to hunt your gears, such as a hunter, knight or assassin or buy your gear, make a zeny rogue or zeny monk (occult impact on sleeper + break down ore = $$$).
[color=darkblue]heRO is a great friendly, pre-renweal, unique and fun server with a great community, give it a try![/color]

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imo it doesn't matter where you start off =p
i think you should play RO if you like it no matter what

Anti-Static Foam Cleaner

Quote from: xXHuggyBearXx on Sep 17, 2008, 12:53 PM
thats a toughie seeing as I have to carefully plan out my stats and skills over a fairly long period of time and a mistake could put all my time spent to waste

Yeah, playing the game as it's supposed to be is pretty tuff.


I wouldnt be too worried about it.

1. Everyone screws up their stats/skills in the beginning. So wat if u did not round up your LUK to the nearest 10 to get the Perfect Dodge bonus, life still goes on... maybe instead of worrying that you will mess up your stats/skills, take the opportunity to learn about them. Screw up as much as you like... and then remake a character.

2. Its not like you are going to be stuck with your first character forever. People change characters very often. They see their friend with a Sin and it looks cool and impressed with their damage... they too might want a sin. Some people go with what "others want/need"... if u join a WOE guild, ask them... what would u prefer? a Priest? a Dancer? a Bard? etc... or even sometimes, u get a levelling partner. He or she may want to go Wiz, then u go for a character which will complement a Wiz; say a Full Support Priest. And party level and explore the RO world together.

3. Pick a character which u like or think u like. Pick something easy, cheap to gear up, suits your playing style (do u like to solo mostly or do u like to party? do u have friends within your base level range who can party with you?) Its also nice, if your character can make money... rather than drain all your zenies away.

4. Find a guild. Talk to people about their character class. Try to find out more about a class so u know the Pro/Cons of each... and see which suits you best.

NEVER NEVER go for Gunslinger as your first character. Its very expensive to maintain. /swt