Have you made any long-lasting friends in RO, at all? o-o

Started by Bunny, Jan 31, 2015, 06:01 PM

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>__< I hope this is the right forum; eheh, I always get worried when making topics.  ToT  Sorries.~

But I'm kind of curious--has anyone made any lifelong friends or relationships in RO?  How did you meet and what made you stay friends when many people seem to drift away?  Have you ever visited in person?

I've actually met a few people in person from RO.  I had a friend who was living in China come visit and we had a sleepover, and I've met my boyfriend in game, too--though, we didn't like each other until after we hung out and stuff a few times.  There's a few others, but...

Another interesting thing is when you run into people know on another server, too. My ex boyfriends play ro, or at least used to, and I'm always afraid to run into them again. There's a lot of servers, but somehow I think people just have a way of running into each other!  I've even run into people before from tooottalllyyyy different games.... it was so weird, but at the same time, you kind of wonder.  Now I kind of wonder if I've ever run into people from RO in person and never realized... @___@;

But what about everyone else?  o-o  It seems like a lot of people would have some interesting stories about it.  ^_^


This is the right forum, don't worry.

Yep, I've made many long-lasting friends over the years on RO.  I still talk to a bunch of folk I met on RO around 9-10 years ago.  My guild is also approaching it's 7th year anniversary, and there's still a few folk in the guild from our 2008 days who still come on to talk to us.  We're also planning a guild meet-up someday likely within the next couple of years.  As for meeting people from RO in person already?  Yep, I've met a total of five people so far from RO in person.

Back when our guild primarily played on mid-rates, we'd always run into old ex-guildies when playing new servers, and it was a great feeling each time it happened.  Makes me kinda wanna play a mid-rate again, heh.

Really, I've met many great people on RO since I started a decade ago.  RO has one of the best MMO communities around, so it's not too hard to find great potential long-lasting friends in this game.  Unfortunately I did lose contact with quite a few of my old closer friends, but I still retain contact with a good amount of 'em.



Unfortunately not though I had the privilege to meet many awesome people in 2004, 2005 and 2006. Also recently in late 2013. I remembered I met this very good acolyte, he invited me into a guild and it was an awesome one. That was in MRO(Malaysian RO) when it was still f2p and he helped a lot of people out. He was also very strong cuz in PVP he got like spammed JT + FD a lot of times in the old payon but still didn't die, he's one of the most skillful players I look up to at that time. However one day, he ignored me when we met at the old horde grounds @ sograt desert. I was so angry that he didn't replied that I left the guild, only to find him a couple of months later as an acolyte and he apologized as he was botting(ok so I didn't knew that at the time haha). About a couple months again after the incident, I saw him with another sage(which was also a friend of mine) they were tracking down abbysmal knight at glassheim but unfortunately by then they had forgotten about me.

oh yea I remembered I met a lot of good people too in 2007. I met an enemy and a friend :)
Searching for friends is hard
Searching for companionship is harder
Be grateful to those who accompany you
On this Road, like the Wayfarer(A Person Travelling) finding it's way back home!

Playing since: 2004


Yeah, two people from way back, I've known them for over 10 years now. One keeps trying to visit me. :D We met on iRO, I was a bad priest and he was a crusader with bunny ears. Now we play all the games together. Once in a while. gg.

And the server I'm on now is run by people I knew back in 2009 that I just happened to see were on RMS one day so I PM'd them to say hi. 8D Now I'm helping with their server.

I've definitely met a buttload of friends on RO! It's pretty cool.

Neku Sakuraba

I'm not exactly the social type but I've made a few strong friendships throughout my years. I met most of my friends on EsunaRO and some on CaseRO.

I still talk to most of my Esuna friends on Facebook and someday I'll meet like 2-3 of them (if they're around my area). We became friends since we were in the same guild and, being in close proximity, started talking to each other. After that we found out we had a lot in common and to this day we still share stories and talk about what's going on in our lives. Music is a major tie between a lot of my friends.

I still remember. We'd spend hours on Raidcall just talking and insulting each other (out of love, of course). We'd do karaoke and DJ mixers as well as guild events and other things.

I'm sure I'll still be friends with all these people for a long time.

Dean Stark

Yep. Met a guy back in 2009 in PhaseRO and we're still brahs until today. We usually play together in several MMOs. I'm even chatting with him now as I post this message.

I'm also in touch with my old guild from LegacyRO which I met back in 2008.

Adam Don

Yes, a plenty of them,... also met few of them in real.. and some of them are friends since years.. and years..
~Web Developer~

skype :- yuglighting

discord :- yug-webdev


I met some good friends although we never meet in real life. we've been playing for 2 or 3 years until now
and we stay in touch via social network. sometimes we do instances or quests together in game. So much fun! >_<
I also have one real life best friend who has been playing ro together with me approximately 10 years (makes me feel so old huh  /omg )
And the great thing is we're still playing at the moment :D


Been friends with a bunch of people from pRO Valhalla for years now. We've only had the chance to meet in person recently, but we had good fun despite it being five years late.

I even got into a relationship (that didn't exactly last too long) because of RO.

"Heroes are those who don't just accept the way things are." ~ Machinae Supremacy - Overworld


People in the game and in real life is very different.
Due to the close interaction between the players I have met a lot of very interesting people.
I learned so many good and bad stories of the players.
I know many people who, through games built a relationship in real life.  /kis2

Remember! This is virtual life, there is also a real life. And pay attention to the common interests between you and friends. Because i know many people IRL, who can't talk about different things except RO. And i guess, it's very bad.


I did made some friends but I can count the long lasting one. I hope the ones I'm with right now would stay in for a longer while.

My current boyfriend (I met him at GlaukosRO) and we've been together for more than a year and to the top of it, we're on a long distance relationship, but I'm fine with it, used to it anyways.

I also have my former guildmates on FB and skype, we talk very rare, but the friendship has not forgotten, I'm thankful to them though. Some had given me advices on life since some of them were like 10 years older than me.

One of them, I met in a different online game and I found out later on that he's also playing RO, we met couple of times already, we're still close however, not that close as the way it is before. Since our friendship got ruined and he just suddenly returned to my life like in a bubble.


Met my boyfriend on twinklero (semi-long distance) :3 known him for a bunch of years now. Also still have close contacts to very old people from good qro times, from around 2006.

I know of a long distance couple that met on ro who got married recently :3 Working forward to that too!!


ahh i specifically made a rms account just for this post! aha

mm i think it was when i started playing RO back in 2009? My first RO was FeelRO (still forever will miss that server ;;) and i moved to LuminaRO - those were my 2 longest and most enjoyed servers i keep in memory and where i met so many nice people! For friends, I stuck with 2 close friends on feelRO for until the server died - I think I had the chance of meeting one of the 2 in another server by chance! If I ever see her again, which is most likely rare because that happened a couple years ago /swt2 I hope to talk to here again! I also had a boyfriend in feel haha but that didn't last quite long rofl

Then, onto Lumina - I met an amazing group of people who invited me into their guild and their guild was the only and first guild that I actually stuck with for quite some time. I miss them very much but it was tough back then - I don't remember much since I was pretty young and oblivious back then lol though, I've met my 2 bestest friends on that server. I still talk to one of them till this day and we are always planning to meet up in real life but it sucks to live a bit far away xDD;; Hopefully it'll happen soon enough.

Well, this was fun reminiscing!  /heh


Well, I got in game friends whom i met in pvp rooms at pRO and myRO. I played those 2 servers for about 1-2 years. Good to say they were always there to support me. They even helped me win in some of my battles  /lv  We used to call the pvp room our place hahahaha. It was a great experience  /ok


Long time ago I used to play this game called PojoRO and DivinityRO. I has a good time with my soup buddies. We would chill on the stone on Gonryun. Good times, I really miss all of them.