Are Emperium is a Boss type?

Started by nickoskies, Jul 11, 2010, 12:03 AM

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Are emperium is boss type becoz in my pro at i playing they are using abyssmal card to break emperium........the emperium is boss type or not?


i think it does have the boss aliment apply to it.  i.e. you can't freeze / stun etc status change it.


Depends on the server you are playing on.


The RMS databases are taken from current eAthena databases, eAthena is the software almost every private server uses.
RMS states, that the emperium isn't a boss monster, but has boss-like immunity to skills (as can be seen at the link and already stated by yC)

If not configurated otherwise on your server, Abyssmal Knight Cards have no effect on the emperium
TotalRO - 10x/10x


There are many emperiums as far as I know thats why in disguise event npcs Emperium or Empelium name isn't recognized.