S.A.S. Recruiting

Started by Shizuru19, Jun 23, 2008, 04:38 PM

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Shoujo Ai Showdown Guild on GarmRO

Greetings, I am one of the guild masters of Shoujo Ai Showdown on GarmRO. We are looking to recruit some more experienced players (WoE/PvP) to join us.

About Us

As the name suggests this guild is based on Shoujo Ai series, and although we are hoping to mostly have Shoujo Ai related characters, character names from other anime are allowed, and exceptions will be made for friendly and knowledgeable players.

We WoE three times a week, we average over 10 castles every WoE. Thus far the highest number of castles kept at the end of a WoE session is 15. We average about 5-7 players on during each WoE out of our approximate 24 members, and despite being outnumbered a minimum of 2 to 1 every time, we always still come out with about or over 50% of the castles.

Some Things We Offer:

Our own Website:


Registration to Guild Forums is mandatory, as we use them heavily. They are full of helpful guides, links, information, and important guild announcements. The website is also a great spot for the guild members to chat and get to know one another.

Experienced leadership:

I've been playing mmorpgs for about 9 years- WoW, EQ, EQII, EQOA, FFXI, and Rappelz. On EQOA I was the co-leader of a high end raiding guild that still managed to have a family feel. In real life I am a woman with a great deal of leadership experience, and my co-leader (also my fiancè) is a Psychologist. We feel fairly comfortable we'll be able to create a nice, friendly, helpful environment for the members of our guild home.

Guild Events and Other Perks:

1. Weekly and Ongoing events with nice prizes for both winners and participants
2. Prizes for every member for helping in WoE
3. Each WoE an MvP is picked, and that member receives a godly item or custom quest item (Sleipnir, Thor's Belt, wings etc)
4. Members receive help obtaining cards, equipment, and quest items
5. Members are compensated for important card donations to the guild storage
6. Shoujo Ai Showdown has a separate guild storage for it's important items, in this way we protect against our member's hard work being stolen by rude and childish members of the community who are prone to stealing
7. New members recieve 20 million zeny to help start them off.

Moving Server

management of our current server has sufficiently angered us enough to seek a new home. Which is quite funny considering the server has less than 100 players that actually play, and 25 of them are our players.

For any questions, please feel free to PM me here on the forums.

If you're interested in joining, register at the guild forums, I will update this post with information about the server we will be moving to.


Wrong place to post this..
[color=darkblue]heRO is a great friendly, pre-renweal, unique and fun server with a great community, give it a try![/color]

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Anti-Static Foam Cleaner

Maybe you'd have better players if your guild was named Warhammer 40000 instead. Or hell, even Hellsing would do.