Making Some Money

Started by aztigin41, Feb 02, 2008, 11:52 PM

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how can i earn some money in official server?
i have a thief lvl 27 with only cutter and 14k zen...  :'(
your signature is too fat


continue lvl up'ing
then if you get cards or misc items, sell it.
eventually ull be a millionair and a high lvl... thief


if you wanna do it faster
go to orc dungeon 2, then loot everything you see
(there are many wiz in there that use sg, i also got 1m by ooting in there :D)


scam ppl (lol joke xD)

btw, jus make a merch w/ OC lvl10 to sell all ur etc's
hunt on demand cards that you can hunt at your level like zerom
pack that sheet!


that is my main problem i need zeny to buy descent weapon for leveling... on spore my average damage is only 28-40...
your signature is too fat


kill mushrooms xD or anything with good drops that you can dodge

is there a market for stem? those might worth something more than normal drops you sell to npc if u sell to ppl.


merchant--> blacksmith= greed, orc dungeon lvl 2, greed fiesta


camp blue plant spawns w/ a novice characters... collect as much blue herbs as you want...  :o
make it a blue pots (quest), sell it and much better w/ lvl10 OC ... how bout that...  ;D
pack that sheet!


Make an aco>>>priest then lvl up your warp portal

[well since your in a official server then there probably people who always pub like "warp plzz"/"need booster" well yeah and you get to be paid and if your lucky(like the party your boosting is even) then you get to level up while earning some zeny also priest are always hunted by guilds so most likely you also get to be paid for your salary(expect a good salary)  8) ]

[of course OC DC merch is a must]