[Renewal] Map with most monsters on it

Started by PeterPowers, Jan 17, 2013, 04:43 AM

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Hellas Amigos & Amigas!

I am having a little question and would be glad to receive an answer  /ok.

Currently I am playing on a highrate server and have to farm old blue boxes & gift boxes - the drop rate is around 20% when having 2 mimics and 2 myst cases equiped. I am playing on a wizzard that has 8k matk & instant cast  /no1.

Therefore I am looking for a map with maaaany monsters on it, preferably with a regular respawn time and a small one. Can you imagine any - and would be willed to share it with me and the other players?

Alright! Thank you for your eventual support! Regards.


And shortly after I find this list:

Mobbiest dungeons (monsters/passable cell):
treasure01 (0.0267895)
treasure02 (0.0250771)
prt_sewb2 (0.0227414)
beach_dun (0.0191724)
mag_dun02 (0.0165346)
lhz_dun03 (0.0152002)
jupe_core (0.0145225)
orcsdun01 (0.0138391)

And fields:
nif_fild02 (0.00568024)
pay_fild11 (0.00562163)
ein_fild05 (0.00553716)
lhz_fild03 (0.00506602)
moc_fild13 (0.0050043)


Zenorcs in orc dungeon is pretty popular, and for good reason.

Hope you have @alootid.



how about bossnia_03 and 2@orcsdun - i dont exactly know the name of 2@orc