Information on most things out of date or offline

Started by Ayiarix, May 22, 2013, 09:44 AM

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I do apologize for bringing up something that has probably been asked a bazillion times, but I recently learned that all this private server stuff exists for RO, and I was curious about getting one set up for my private use since I'm a big fan of tinkering and modifying stuff, I have some of the basics down, such as getting the latest kRO stuff and setting up MySQL, however I am having a terrible time working out how to get the latest version of everything, such as rAthena and so on. I figured I would use the renewal game because it's more recent, I wanted to find the latest client to use, the latest server stuff, translations, latest LUA files and so on, and where everything goes to get it running.

However, every guide is several years old and suggests different versions of everything, while only explaining some things and not others. Many resources and sites don't even work anymore, and the forums I really would prefer to be posting about this on either have broken registration or have been offline for months. I've been hunting around for about a week now trying to figure this stuff out properly but haven't had a whole lot of luck in making sure I'm not missing files etc. So does anyone have any recent guides or knows the right version of stuff to use to be able to play the latest version of RO?

I would very much appreciate being pointed in the right (working) direction.


*Athena sites and boards have some kind of curse that makes them notoriously unstable. You might find what you're looking for in The Wayback Machine's copy of the rAthena website:*/


You picked the worse week because rAthena has been down for the whole week, since May 11st iirc and that's totally unacceptable ...

You can try the hercules wiki (check the links on the menu at the right hand side).  It's basically a copy of the original eAthena wiki + modified by rAthena +  slightly modified by hercules but the basics stay the same.