Why make a server?

Started by Zelos, Jul 27, 2009, 09:25 AM

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I'm not sure if there is a topic already discussing this, if so, please junk this.
Anyway, why make a server? For you and you friends to hang out on? On plain boredom? Or are you actually very serious and want to make a successful Ragnarok server? I'm sure everyone here knows how many people would post "On plain boredom" or something similar.



Because "I can do it better than (insert server just left from)" or "I like power" or "I like donation money".


Main reasons:
1) I have a place where I can be a total jackass to others without punishment
2) I can get big moneyz with donor s***
3) I want to make a server so people can play it

Sadly, few people know how to difference a number 1,2 to a 3


I heard this is a @main chat once;

"So i can combine all servers best thing to 1 super good server".

Which made me think that it's mostly to steal stuff from other servers and make a server you like yourself enjoy, and then ignore everything everyone else says.


^ almost the same of this thread

V same thing of the thread and the reply above, with few modification


Another reason could be boredom.


For us, it was that a server like the one we imagined didn't exist. In the past, when there did exist servers like the one we wanted, they all went under. We took lessons from their failures and attempted to create a server in light of the experience gained from past experiences.

RxRO, no custom junk, 45/45/25, pk server. Simply the right kind of medicine


I knew a GM that forced women to cyber with him or give them a full ban.


Well, my reason was that I had an excellent idea [well I think it's a pretty good idea anyway] and I wanted to share it with my friends. I had it open for a bit, though I only sent the server to a few people to test it out before I made it public. I don't want to go public just yet since it's still being constructed [and the host went poof] but it's still in the making, hopefully I will have time to work on it later...All I can say it is totally unique and I haven't seen any other server like it :P


Quote from: tiawyn on Aug 04, 2009, 01:12 PM
Well, my reason was that I had an excellent idea [well I think it's a pretty good idea anyway] and I wanted to share it with my friends. I had it open for a bit, though I only sent the server to a few people to test it out before I made it public. I don't want to go public just yet since it's still being constructed [and the host went poof] but it's still in the making, hopefully I will have time to work on it later...All I can say it is totally unique and I haven't seen any other server like it :P
Nice shameless plug there.


What? I'm sure Admins are proud of their creations, well most of them are >.>


Meh, some server owners just want acknowledgment over ther creations.
QuoteWhatever floats your boat.


Everyone knows that GMs get all the b*tches.


The Greatest Server is in preparation phase : http://valiantro.com
Setting the standard so high the other servers will look like noob stuff. ;)



I've always wanted to make a server. My last GM job, I was GM Level 80, and I wanted to do more for the players. So I created my server, which I'm very proud of. I'm glad I made it. It's not even a month old, but I see it as a successful server. :)


To emulate one of your favorite past GMs, like tearbleu/GM Meep/ GM BlueDrops/ GM Amemeep. He's the #1 GM all time in my opinon =]
[color=#FF8C00]Top 3 Town BGMs[/color] -[color=#DDA0DD] Theme of Al De Baran, Izlude and Geffen [/color]
[color=#FF0000]Top 3 RO BGMs[/color] - [color=#FF00FF]One Step Closer(@go 15's BGM), Yetit Petit (ice dungeon BGM), Rose of Sharon (Veins field 3 BGM)[/color]
[color=#9932CC]TOP 4 GMs[/color] - [color=#FF0000]GM Meep, tearbleu, GM Amemeep, GM Castiel[/color] - [color=#FFC0CB]Honorable Mention - GM Fite, GM BlueDrops, GM Fite, GM Nicholas[/color]
[color=#00FFFF]Top 3 Hardest MVPs[/color]- [color=#FFC0CB]Naght Seiger, Entweihen Crothen, Satan Morroc[/color]
[color=#98FB98]Top 3 buffs[/color]- [color=#4B0082]Assumptio, gloria, aspersio[/color]
[color=#00BFFF]Top 3 NBA Teams[/color]- [color=#0000FF]Cleveland Cavaliers, Lakers, Denver Nuggets
[color=#0000FF]Me and Squishy love tearbleu/GM Meep/GM BlueDrops![/color]
[color=#FF0000]Cleveland Cavaliers NBA Champions '10~[/color]