Client Crashing :(

Started by smartsun_007, Sep 20, 2010, 03:46 AM

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I cant patch my ragnarok.exe. The patcher crashes after downloading :(
When i try Ragnarok_RE patcher it takes me to the site :(
Heres the snapshot of the error and my RO folder

Majinken Souga

Try this.

If you have any questions after following those steps, feel free to ask here. If you want, wish Gravity a very painful death. ;)
The only way to save Modern TV: burn it in a pile, then burn the ashes, then compress and burn those ashes, then sprinkle it with holy water, then send the result into a black hole and never see it again.


Thanks... It works now!
The problem was with my data.grf file....
Apparently the files on the website were corrupt... Parts 4,5,7 from file front!