Making a Clown and a Gypsy for PvM/ Party/ Woe?

Started by Leamee, Mar 23, 2011, 10:33 AM

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Hey guys,

Some people on the forum suggested I Woe/ find a guild/ party up more and that's why I want to make a new character.
I'd like to make both a clown and a gypsy that are fast and useful PvM characters and then reset for a support build if need be.
I took a break from leveling/ making chars to earn some money and business is going well right now so I believe I could buy almost anything I want (minus variant shoes that are never sold in shops and hardly ever traded for something else).
Please keep in mind that the drop rates are x35 and that MVP cards are x0.05 (including ghostring, angeling and the other mini bosses poring) so I'm talking "reasonable" equipment here.

I read up quite a lot on the topic before posting here but I've received so many useful advice on here that I wanted to ask for some tips.
I'll probably leech myself as soon as I'm 85 as my champ is 95 so I can go scarabas to speed up the process (plus bone plates still sell well on our serv) but I'm a bit tired of killing geographers and the like so if you have fun/efficient suggestions to level either a clown or a gypsy, please chip in.

I'm also a bit lost when it comes to skills and dances and what to up first.
When it comes to stats I guess that PvM = sniper pretty much (and I can play sniper so that's okay) but what do clowns and gypsies need for WoE/ party support?
I heard that the 2 characters are quite different when it comes to stats and equipment.

By the way, I don't really know which bow/ rope/ whip would be best for a gypsy, and I'm faced with the same problem when it comes to getting stuff for a bard.
Right now I have a few overupped ropes of imbalance but nothing for the bard.

As I've never ever played Clown or Gypsy, I don't know how to support a party. I heard that it's pretty easy and that you basically stand in a safe spot and dance/ sing. Works for me as I'm usually the main killer in a party with my LK/WS and would like to play the game differently.

According to what I read, Clowns need bragi= agi and Gypsies need int= Sp dance. Is that true?

I'd be delighted if someone could make a build for me and explain some basic things and even WoE strategy (+ PvM strategy of course, I'm used to playing with traps and gypsies can't trap).
Here's a calculator, you can use it to save builds and stats (you can make a url).
Right now I'd be going for 99 dex, 30 int, 70 agi 40 vit as a PvM gypsy but I don't know whether that's good or not.
Those are the stats I use for my sniper when I need to spam DS - if I don't need much SP (trap hit) I put 99 agi 99 dex rest int.



this is just a suggestion from my experience....

build a 99 dex 60 vit clown... and use 2 identical weapon... such as 2 violin with same card on the slot.
and fast swap the weapon for high speed song change buff and spamming tarot.. dont worry about the cast or eq.. coz 99 dex+ lv10 attention concentrate will make you uncast... try....


Thanks for the suggestion but I'm afraid I didn't understand everything - I'm a novice when it comes to clowns.  :)
That said violins are totally droppable, at least with my WS. I bought two skel workers and I actually have too many hydra cards already so I should be okay for WoE cards even if I heard that some people use golem for example.

I plan on making a clown or gypsy as soon as possible (probably today in a few hours) so I'm open to suggestions.

I already spent 20M on cards and other stuff because I'm trying to get good equipment.
Can gypsies equip musical instruments too?
And can clowns equip whips?
RMS says so but I don't know.
What would be good weapons for leveling as a dancer and a bard and then as a gypsy and a clown? I noticed that there aren't many weapons available for both classes and the choices are even more restricted when you're not trans. I feel a little lost.
Would an NPC bought whip/ musical instrument suffice? I can always endow myself if I find somewhere to go.

I guess that rant whip or blade whip (both dropped on parasite) are the weapons to go for when you start out as a dancer.
There seem to be equivalent weapons for bards but again it depends on what I drop first, and I'm pretty sure those aren't the best choices.


depends what you want to do with gypsy

for clown it's always the same eh (hint: no attacking, you're support)

130 int, 100/97 vit rest dex and some str (bg set is op for bards, get int +3 on armor enchant)
bragi, apple and sp song (you should be perma linked), put in a few frost jokers if you want, but only after you finished the circle from that 3 songs, refresh songs every 5-10 secs (or just spam them all the time)

gypsy, depends which type you wanna go

not really experienced with gypsies but it's usually dazzler one (160? agi), spams dazzler and puts up sinx song

slow grace one, um, agi 160 also i think, just speed pot and slow grace the enemy guilds
both go with 97/100 vit and rest in dex/str w/e stats

oh and bard cannot equip whips and dancers cannot equip instruments

and another hint, make all your weapons with golem, ensures you can continue spamming songs if you're out of fcp and you don't have to bring 20 weps

eh, looked at the posts above

depends on your kind of servers woe, but taroting or AV anything in woe will most likely get you guild kicked if it's half serious guild/woe
your job is to support with songs


Quotedepends on your kind of servers woe, but taroting or AV anything in woe will most likely get you guild kicked if it's half serious guild/woe
your job is to support with songs
Yah, I have to agree on that one. I heard that AV in WOE is just NOT something you should do. Ever. Thanks for the tips, I'll keep what you said in mind. However, I'm still confused when it comes to PvM/leveling. I'd like to have fun (a least a little bit, it's a game after all) but I have no idea where to go/ which weapons to use. I'm more than accustomed to playing sniper by now and I'd like a change (+starting WOE before the end of the semester might help me relieve some tension, or make me realize that I'm not cut out for WOE and that I'd rather party up).
My luck is crappy right now so dropping the stupidest card takes me about 2 hours non-stop which means that I end up buying everything, but luckily enough I kind of have the money right now so feel free to suggest cards for shields/ weapons and cards for weapons/ armors/ etc.
I'm rich enough to use the hidden enchant NPC (+3 dex and so on) but even if we have a deslotter (which means no lost cards in case the tights break) the rates are somewhat too low for me to use tights for hidden enchant (1% drop isn't much given that as I said right now I can't seem to drop anything).
I don't think archer classes can equip silk robes, so I guess I'll have to settle for coat (sigh) if I want to be on the safe side.
Coats are cheap on our serv (in theory) so I might be able to get a +3 dex coat for about 5M if I make it myself.


no bg on your server?
then again, i see that you mostly want your bard for pvm, not really woe

don't bother with enchants then, you can manage without em in pvm
and for weapons, the fastest way to lvl will be partying with a wiz/sniper/hp and so on in abbey/thor/wherever you go, so you'll be mainly bragi, so int dex vit, maybe even more dex than int in pvm

weapons for bragi, 3 fabre 1 golem violin, 1 fabre 1 golem harp or w/e

if you do wanna ds, just go agi dex and ds stuff like sniper just a lil worse


I will probably eventually woe but right now I want to discover the classes and stuff. Thanks for the advice.
Made a dancer in a hurry, took me about 2 hours to level her to 92/50 (didn't do quests).
I'll leech her with my champ and rebirth her tomorrow if I have the courage.
So far I haven't contacted a guild and I'm using stuff I had on my sin x (BSB+ shackles, burning bow someone gave me + pupa coat).
I have good equipment for trans chars but not for class 1, so I'm trying to make do with what I have.
Please feel free to suggest gypsy skills, leveling up should be faster as a gypsy at least till 86 as I'll do quests.
I had run out of sharp leaves and dropped some with my dancer instead of buying them and then wasting them on a non-trans char.
I'm still lost when it comes to whips and other things PVM, and I'd like to know how a gypsy can be useful in a party as right now that's the class I picked, even if I do want a bard.


Lvl the dancer/gypsy as a sniper - ds spam or just one shot stuff with av, i lvled mine gypsy one av ko on raydrics 86-92 and was fast exp, with magni my sp was always near 100% after that was thor parties.

In a party you can be a sp slave and if someone is mobbing you can change to slow grace to make the mobs atk and walk slower or go swap hit and sp songs on some mvp raids or some party.

For whips:
Suport - Rope of Unbalance[3] or Stem of Nepenthes [2], depends on which one you need to achieve the bonus you want[most of the time is the Rope of Unbalance[3]]
Damage - BG Tierra for demi-human, Queen's Whip[2] for overall or Rope of Unbalance[3] for overall
The dmg order is BG Tierra > Queen's Whip[2] > Rope of Unbalance[3] > Rope[4] if i'm not wrong.

At WoE your build probably is one of two things:
> Perma Stun/Slow Grace: Perma Link, Bragi+Sinx Song, Spam Scream, swap song by changing 2 equal weapons. 150/160 AGI 150 DEX Leftovers on STR to carry pots.
Rely on bragi from a clown to spam without delay Scream by getting 190 aspd or near that with/without weapon so people stun like hell.
Get anti-stun with valk + stalactic golem in a dark bacilus or whatever is the helm from satan morroc and since you've 1 base vit, AD dmg is low. If you have acess to an orc hero - BG set ftw for his haxiness.
AGI and DEX pretty high is because
Quote from: iROWiki"This skill's ASPD reduction is affected by the caster`s DEX and Dance Lessons skill level, and the Movement Speed reduction is affected by the caster`s AGI"
> Stun/Buffer/Tarot: Same as up but the build becomes a 100 AGI/VIT/DEX/INT and you go with reduces
OK Bragi OK Sinx Song OK Apples OK Slow Grace OK everything
You can buff people, you can spam tarot and scream and still slow grace people and since you've 100 vit loki with no problems of stun to cancel it. You're like a clown but a bit weaker but still evil with the stun and slow grace[this is more a woe 1.0 Gypsy]

To give slow grace just speed pot+go into enemie guild+swap weapon[ck if possible because you're an easy target] and run back to your group. Also make use of hide a lot, stunners and slow gracers are evil and people like to kill a lot first if they see you doing dmg to their group so except to be asura'd a lot.
As a weapon, get a rope of unbalance with fabresx2 and 1 golem for easier stats.

Clown lvling is what people already said and the same as gypsy: support with bragi/sinx song/apples or kill like a hunter/sniper.

Weapons the same, just adjust to clowns' version.

At woe is the second type of woe gypsy:
> Frost Joker/Buffer/Tarot: 100 AGI/VIT/DEX/INT as a base[if you can get more INT then the other stats, like 120, better explanation in the next paragraphs] and you go full reduces and always linked
Why go 100 on this stats or so?
Some people will tell you that 97 vit is enough, others prefer 100, go 100 for apples -> +3k HP[or something near that] is a lot on a 99 vit devo pala and others like that too. This 97 or more vit also helps your loki not go down on status given by people.
Some also will tell you that DEX > INT for bragi since it cuts more cast but at woe is expected that people have a good and fast cast if not insta so INT> DEX always since the main point is to cut aftercast delay, not cast time, that is the job of hw and creators to have it near insta or even insta.
AGI is for a decent Sinx song mainly because when there is insta cast[or near it], the delay is based on aspd.

You can Buff people, You can Buff people, You can Buff people, You can Buff people. Your job is to buff people and spam tarot/frost joker when not doing that.
As a weapon, get a violin x2 or a chello x2 with fabres and 1 golem, chello for easier stats probably will be the choice.

Golem in weapons is just a cover for in the case fcp is down, the loki team can still use loki as a 911 and attackers can't do s***.

Logging for freedom is useful for someone scream or frost joker spam or even tarot people attacking while the partner does loki's veil, just stay on the aoe.

I don't know what more to add, I think i covered the basics ._.


Thanks a lot for these explanations. I'm slowly leveling up my dancer as I'm also dropping some stuff in order to open yet another autotrade shop. I'm trying to specialize in reselling things and even if it doesn't work sometimes (still have 2 valk manteaus and 2 valk shoes that I can't get rid of) with a little bit of patience I can make a decent amount of money.

Anyway, I eavesdropped on a convo about WOE since I've never ever WOE'd before (and the only time I did WOE I was a snip and had to trap trap trap - yes VERY hard  ;)). I'm liking this WOE thing more and more and will probably give it a go but I'd need someone to suggest good equips for clown and gypsy (not talking about the weapon this time).
I heard someone say that wool+7 & tidal+7 on a BG/nid/sm serv is a horrible choice (= unless you're a newbie find something better) but to be honest I don't really see how this could be true. They were talking about clown equips so yeah proxy fragment is good but not everybody has 1B zeny and even then proxy doesn't make a 7K hp char invincible.

What I think would be good for WOE:
(please suggest better builds/equips)
+4 FB (got it)
Gpipe (I keep selling my pipes so I'll have to buy some if I want to make one)
OR hockey mask (same deal don't have it)
shield: +4 valky shield with Thara (got... gee 7 tharas and sold about 20) or Horn (can drop it if needed)
Access: allig allig / allig smokie, most likely in rosaries
shoes: +6 tidal w/ verit
garment: +7 wool w/ raydric, could drop/buy noxious IF it's better
armor: didn't buy valk armor when it was on sale (yeah I know...) so I guess tights with ED (or Marc, but I don't like Marc at all).



Just because I'm lazy to write wall of text, here's a summary from me (Gypsy only since I don't play Clown much)  :

PvM : if you mean leveling, max DEX/AGI, rest to VIT, just go Arrow Vulcan mobs.
Party : okay I don't see what can a gypsy do on MvP party except sitting on town and doing SP song, so go INT/DEX.

WoE : goes to 2 different builds, but they share some common job
1. 150 AGI build : does slowgrace that cripples out enemies' movespeed, might as well do Rift song
2. 160 DEX build : slowgrace decreases enemies' ASPD alot, but not the movespeed, can instacast AV and tarot to disturb (but who the heck does this?)

As for status, 100 VIT is a must for both (you dont want to get stunned or silenced halfway trying to slowgrace enemy mob). If you're going to AGI build, try to get enough DEX (same thing goes to DEX build). Rest of status goes to STR for more weight cap.
On WoE try to Slowgrace and not to play 2 button gypsy (Scream+SP pot and done). If what you do is spam scream, your an idiot at this class (if there are people who got stunned, they're more than idiot and need to quit RO).

Gears :
Feather Beret
Elite Archer Suit <+3AGI/DEX> (Evil Druid / Marc) *1
Whip of Balance (3 Female Thief Bug / 3 Drops ) *2
Valkyrja Shield (Horn) *3
Commander Manteau (Noxious)
Combat Boots (Matyr / Green Ferus) *4
2 Orleans Gloves / 2 Linen Gloves (Smokie and Kukre/Zerom/Alligator) *5

1. Enchant depends on build, as for card try to get 2 armors, but most people prefer ED than Marc tho for this case
2. FTB for AGI build, Drops for DEX build, assuming you're FCP'ed all time, so I didn't include Golem
3. Not Thara? Just because Gypsy barely can tank good Asura and you don't need to give a damn on SinXes.
4. Matyr for AGI build, GreenFerus for DEX build (since you don't need that MUCH AGI on DEX build)
5. OG+Zerom for DEX, Linen+Kukre for AGI.

I dont know if there's another new trend tho~


@kensei : rei? QQ

anyways, proxy is pretty fine, tho not neccesary for a clown, oh and btw, decide what do you want to play, clown or gypsy lol

if you do have bg on the server, then bg set for clown works wonders, tidals wools are indeed an old combo, but still not bad if you don't have money for satan stuff, proxy w/e, but bg > anything in this case i guess
and go with green ferus for clown, not matyr, that 1 agi won't mean anything to you while 1 vit will save you some points


Thanks a lot for the advice guys, it really helps.

We have BG but it's not that popular and to be honest I won't have the time to BG in order to get the whole set as finals are looming. I think I'll drop noxious and horn and stick to tidal and wool for now, thanks a bunch  :)
I want to play both gypsy and clown as I almost have all my other chars maxed. (sin X 98, HP 97, LK 99, WS 99, Sniper 99, SL 99)
I have good (PvM) equipment for all of my chars. I thought about WOEing with my ice pick/ +5 giganto axe WS but it would be too costly so I'd rather do it with a gypsy or a clown.

QuoteOn WoE try to Slowgrace and not to play 2 button gypsy (Scream+SP pot and done). If what you do is spam scream, your an idiot at this class
Given that lots of people have bashi, stalactic golem, valk or 100 vit on our serv you're right. That said I'll listen to the guild that hires me if I do WOE. I like the cards you suggested but I won't be able to get OG or Linen Gloves as OG = 100M and Linen Gloves = never in shops.
Sure I could farm zeny for 50 hours and get all the stuff but I don't have enough time IRL so I really like the stuff you suggest, it's reasonable and obtainable (most of it anyway).

I'll try to drop horn asap and FTB, I might also drop a golem card to be on the safe side as FCP isn't something that all guilds use all the time, sadly enough. I'd say it's a mistake as I've seen on WOE videos that some don't even assump their players constantly but hey, that's not for me to judge.

Thanks again, I'm off to level/ drop. Right now I'm about to turn 97/50 which isn't great, I know, but I'm trying to get a kaho card and a hockey mask among other things. That said I'm eager to level up so I might just do a stupid quest or leech myself for 15 min to make some headway. After all I have better characters that I can use to drop cards and I'll have all the time in the world to farm when I'm an actual gypsy, not just a measly dancer.


Quote from: Leamee on Mar 25, 2011, 01:57 PM
I'd say it's a mistake as I've seen on WOE videos that some don't even assump their players constantly but hey, that's not for me to judge.

you do know you can't use assump in castles? only outside


Thanks for the info. That said, if the group dies they should absolutely assump again and I've seen guilds enter a castle in a very disorganized manner -> one member by one without buffs.
While I'm a beginner, I know that's a bad strategy  :)
Anyway, after painstakingly leeching myself with my champ (I swear I'm starting to hate scarabas A LOT) I'm now level 90. I could keep leeching myself as a scaraba still gives ~4% exp but in a couple of levels this won't be a viable method anymore as I have to take into account the time I waste healing/ calling spirits/ looking for scarabas.

Basically, I'd like to at least be part of a guild that 1) needs a support gypsy (maxed out the good skills already) 2) parties up for MVPs or harder dungeons
I mean even abbey would work for me, I don't really care. Wool and tidal = 700K/ u or so which is a lot when you think about it, and at 3.5%, I like my chances.
I don't need someone to help me drop or a guild that gives me gifts - I have what I need and I'm ready to drop what I don't have. However I'm making an SP song gypsy so that I can find parties more easily. SP is almost the n°1 problem when you're a DD and I'd like to just dance and support for once. I know it's still hard work but if I find the right party everyone will like me hopefully  :)

Stats I think would be appropriate for SP song only:
90 int (sp)
50 agi (cast)
50 vit (hp)
50 dex

Those wouldn't be permanent stats and I could totally see something like 96 int 40 agi 70 vit 40 dex work (remember, not 99 yet, I can always up other stats) but I'd like some suggestions from more experienced gypsies.


if you want to make pure SP song gypsy, go 99 int dex and rest to vit. I don't think you'll need other stat such as agi tho );


If you're gonna be a sp song slave and not a perma auto-follower you can do something like SP/slow grace going INT/VIT/DEX and leftovers on AGI and do each one when needed[don't forget that you don't regen sp while dancing]. If you're gonna be an auto-follower just for sp, INT/VIT are enough.

Don't forget that the buffs work in 10's[110, 120, 130...] so is the total stat that matters.

AFAIK - Aside Bragi, most of the songs/dances go ok in parties for lvling without even some stats or when you don't need srsly some specific stuff to be achived like 150 INT to one shot mvps with champ, 170 DEX to give enough hit bonus to sinx SBK get 100% hit on a mvp, etc...


Thanks a lot for the tips, when I reset stats I'll keep that in mind. By the way, how do you auto follow a player? I tried doing that numerous times and it never worked. So basically dex helps with slow grace and int with sp song right? Right now the best accs I have are 2 spiritual rings. Not great but they were cheap and they still give quite a lot of int. Which dungeons do you think should be my primary choices as a beginner? I know this all depends on the HP as I'll basically put my life into his hands given that I can't really attack. Oh, and which equips would you suggest PvM in a party? I don't know much about +int/dex/vit eqs for gypsies but some things make sense like bringing jakk and pasana at thor and what not.



On SP song, INT affects the MaxSP increase, DEX affects SP consumption reduction.
On SlowGrace, AGI affects Movespeed reduction, DEX affects Attackspeed reduction


Ok, thank you very much. Basically it makes sense to only up int and dex for the songs as making mobs walk slower is a little useless if you can make them less powerful. As I'm primarily agi/dex for levelling purposes right now, I may just put my last points into int and hope that my SP song is not too crappy. That said it'd be good if I could perma-party with people, that way I wouldn't need to reset all the time. Oh and I need to look into this autofollow thing again and find good eqs, though I already have 2 fabres so that's better than nothing w/ rope of unbalance


If me and my friends can do thors auto-following gypsies and clowns with just goibne's set and a shield with alice you don't really need something nice to auto-follow.

To auto-follow usually just have /ns on, /nc off and right click with the mouse on the char to follow.

QuoteOn SP song, INT affects the MaxSP increase, DEXINT affects SP consumption reduction.
Fixed ->


Thanks for fixing.

I'm sure I made a calc for AGI / DEX build WoE gypsy but I forgot where did I put it -_-


I'll try this auto-follow thing out, thanks a bunch. I do have alice card so that'll allow me to absorb some of the damage and I also have jakk. Sadly enough I can't seem to drop pasana. I should send one of my strongest chars (WS or LK) to sphinx 5 as all of my other chars get eaten alive by the mobs of pasanas. I'm a little bit confused now as it seems that one of you got it wrong when it comes to upping stats for dances. So int dex for sp song and agi dex for attack reduc song or is it something else?


Every song/dance has a stat that increases its effect. For SP song it's INT, for slow grace it's AGI. DEX is kind of general purpose stat for archer classes :D