The Great Character Simulator Update

Started by Rbread, Nov 23, 2011, 08:41 PM

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I noticed that you noticed that there is a lack of character simulator news on the front page. As some of you know, the RMS character simulator has been updated to version 0.7! The updates came at a random time, and still are WIP. The following things were changed:

  • Added Oboro and Kagerou job sprites
  • Fully added cash shop mounts to all available jobs
  • Added two official hairs, and re-arranged some custom hairs
  • Added basic shield/weapon functionality. The selected character class MUST have these sprites available.
    You can only view the sprite in their battle position. The same goes for weapons. The correct action for the class and the weapon must be selected. This is still a WIP and the placements of these items will still look funny on some job classes as I figure out the allocation of sprites.
  • Enlarged the viewing area
  • Headgears are now updated as far as possible. Some of the headgears are still missing images as I wasn't able to find them in a convenient way.
  • Facebook comments on the bottom of the page. This makes it easier for me to interact and answer people's questions. I go by Kev Hua in the comments.

Once again, if you have any suggestions, bug reports or comments, feel free to PM me on the forums, or you can also find me on IRC via Riotblade @ Rizon. I would also like to put a shameless plug for an anime streaming website, AnimeSeed. Watch thousands of episodes of anime online for free!

Hopefully there will be more updates coming! Bye bye~



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Awesome job !
I liked the new weapon and shields feature. Would be useful for some graphic-related works out there.

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Will you ever release an Offline version of your awesome Simulator? ~
I would die if rms went down or something.


The character sim is really neat!  /no1
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Quote from: Seizure on Jan 06, 2012, 04:49 AM
Will you ever release an Offline version of your awesome Simulator? ~
I would die if rms went down or something.
RMS is very stable, I wouldn't worry there.

Awesome job yet again, Riot.


Just want to say the simulator seems to have been down for the past 3 days. Might be more. but I havent been able to access it for the past 3 days I tried.


I tried going on it today--apparently I can sort of reach the front page (can only see a few images and an immense lag), but my antivirus program detected 3 malicious URLs that popped up from doing so... Might be just me =/.
Don't know how it is for other people xD.
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It's the same to me as always, no change done to that part of the site for the last little while as far as I know.



Quote from: Tetsamaru on Apr 09, 2012, 11:57 PM
Just want to say the simulator seems to have been down for the past 3 days. Might be more. but I havent been able to access it for the past 3 days I tried.
What anti-virus do you use? What Browser you're using? Using any extension as no-script for firefox?
The answer may be in any of the ^ things I asked because it works fine here at mozilla firefox 11.0 with Avast. The only thing in here is the load that takes some secs but it's normal due to the numerous items that the page loads.


I use Avast =/, though I do have an older version of Firefox (I like the old tab function rather than the tab restoring function that the newest version offers). I tried accessing it again, but another pop-up showed up. I guess it's just me then XD. Nevertheless, it doesn't seem too serious.
I don't think Tetsmaru had a virus issue, but he cannot access it ><. Maybe now he can...?

Friends are special flowers that bloom from trust.

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Are you sure your Avast is up2date? Sometime ago that problem happened - >>click for more info<<

Mine Avast db at the moment is 120411-1 and prog version is 7.0.1426 and I get 0 problems with it ._.

Actually, I think I know how Tetsamaru got the can't access prob[at least it happens in here and now I can't access it too]:
- Don't refresh the page while it's loading, it will make you not being able to load it again forever lol[at least for now I can't access it]

Tested on Firefox, Google Chrome and IE and can't load it now in any of the three.


I can't access it either, not on Firefox and not on Chrome. My Avast is up to date, but indeed it shows the character simulator page as having an infected file (same as in Yukino's screenshot), but I can't load the page at all. Just gives me that 'the webpage is not available' page.



I went over it with a couple of anti virus systems and it's result is none of them had any problem but Websense ThreatSeeker did mention it being a malicious site, 2 others have no rating, Avira says fine so does Google Safebrowsing and TrendMicro


I could access it again today but doing a refresh at the page[today it didn't even need to be during the load] made the same thing happen: can't access it again.


Yeah, I was going to suggest that it seems like the page is infected somehow, but if anyone has the page cached then your browser's gonna load the old, uninfected page which is safe.  If you ctrl+f5 refresh or clear your cache and then visit the page again, you'll hit the infected page.

So if you want to use the page, try to use it on a browser that has it cached if you can.  Otherwise, it seems to be malfunctioning (for now).


Ya, I tried in Firefox, IE, Google Chrome and I can't access the page at all.

I use Avast, and it's up to date. Although I don't use the Web watch thing Avast comes with.


I do not think the char sim page is infected at all.  It is obvious that this "Avast" thing hate us ...  which I can't do anything about it.  Just like how my nod32 blocks all the website i try to visit.

I wouldn't mind seeing what else they (or othersecurity scan that reported it harmful) are saying other than that it is malicious.  It tells me nothing.


Well, it seems it is Avast. Avast doesn't like the Character Simulator. I tried it on my computer that doesn't have Avast, and the Character Simulator works. Then I tried it on this computer by first disabling Avast.....AND IT WORKS!!!

So Avast is seeing the Character Simulator as some malicous website or something probably.


Any improvement?  I think Riotblade was doing something to it yesterday.


Avast doesn't detect it as a malicious website now, at least here I can now refresh non-stop with no problems.


Same here, there's no pop-ups now regarding a malicious website page. Works nicely!

The comment thing at the bottom seems neat. I just hope there's a limit on the number of comments viewed on one page. Furthermore, is it possible to post through our RMS account? Well, it's still pretty interesting regardless and at least we can post through Facebook XD.
Friends are special flowers that bloom from trust.

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<3 danke~



Thanks so much~ Love the Character sim~ <3