RMS Search Plugins / RMS Firefox Toolbar

Started by Rbread, Aug 11, 2007, 06:19 PM

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I don't like this, I LOVE it~! Its great for when I'm on the test server (Or my own) and i need a weapon or armor but I'm too lazy the go all the way the Rms's homepage and etc etc. Very nice, and i have no problems running this on FireFox.

Ready to help, anytime.

All players I use have an X. (e.g.- SisiX)
Use that to find me.



Is there a possibility that this is going to be updated and maintained?  I don't usually use additional toolbars, but this is one that I'm actually interested in trying out.


Good question o:
Quote from: mystfitz on Oct 18, 2009, 12:57 AM
Is there a possibility that this is going to be updated and maintained?  I don't usually use additional toolbars, but this is one that I'm actually interested in trying out.

And so you killed yourself,
but you killed everyone else around you too.


Any possibility of getting this plug-in/toolbar updated so it's compatible with Mozilla Firefox 3.6 and up?


Quote from: Sobe on Jan 12, 2011, 05:17 PM
Any possibility of getting this plug-in/toolbar updated so it's compatible with Mozilla Firefox 3.6 and up?

^ This; I use RMS all the time. This toolbar would be great for me :]


I would also love to use this toolbar, but since I abandoned Firefox and went with Opera, it's kinda... sad that I can't use it. Any possibility that there would be a version available for Opera users out there as well? :3
"Howard, you do know I've got a number of ways to poison you. In your sleep. Your food. You don't want that to happen do you?"


Well, seeing how there's interest, I guess I could update it.



Quote from: Karuna-tan on Jan 16, 2011, 06:48 PM
I would also love to use this toolbar, but since I abandoned Firefox and went with Opera, it's kinda... sad that I can't use it. Any possibility that there would be a version available for Opera users out there as well? :3

You can do it for Opera by yourself.
Go to your settings to the tab "Search".
Then you add those:

Name: "RMS Item Search"
Shortcut: "item"
URL: "http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?iname=%s&itype=-1&page=item_db&quick=1&isearch=Search"

Name: "RMS Monster Search"
Shortcut: "mob"
URL: "http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?mob_name=%s&page=mob_db&f=1&mob_search=Search"

Apply and save.

From now on you can just type e.g "item Red Potion" or "mob Poring" in your address bar and it will search it with RMS
TotalRO - 10x/10x



wow.. nice wonderful.. its been a long time but i just know it -_-