Stalker's "Full Strip"

Started by Skoll, May 05, 2009, 07:04 PM

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I've heard/read that Dex increases the chance of Full Strip being successful, but I've also heard/read that nothing increases it chance... /sob
(I discovered this by using teh search feature, and I was unsure. /no1)

Have any pointers?  ???

Thank ya

DoNt WorRy,Be HaPpY ;D


It's a set chance, dex doesn't do anything to the chances


DoNt WorRy,Be HaPpY ;D



This is the eA Full Strip formulae atm:

[%] = 5 + (2 * Skill Level) + (Dex Difference / 5)

As you can see, the greater the "DEX Difference" between the Stalker and the Target, the higher the chance of success. Thus, having higher DEX do help.

There is a debate on the accuracy of the Full Strip formula on eA. It seems to be weaker than official. Just keep a close eye on the thread below:


sucks to hear eathena hasn't gotten this right after all these years  :(