How much zeny you get from Steal Coin

Started by boxGloom, Jan 31, 2013, 03:32 PM

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Anyone know whats the formula for Steal Coin? How much zeny do you get from a Poring with it?


rate = skill + (sd->status.base_level - md->level)*3 + sd->battle_status.dex*2 + sd->battle_status.luk*2;
if(rand()%1000 < rate)
int amount = md->level*10 + rand()%100;

log_zeny(sd, LOG_TYPE_STEAL, sd, amount);
pc_getzeny(sd, amount);
md->state.steal_coin_flag = 1;
return 1;
return 0;

Success Rate seems to be [((base lv-monster lv)*3)+(dex*2)+(luk*2)]/1000.
Zenny stolen seems to be (base lv of the monster*10)+random amount from 0 to 100.

I may be wrong on this, a bit sleepy to think correctly at the moment. Someone fix it if they see it wrong or can read the code better then me.