Setup of Map View & Monster search

Started by Elengil, Aug 23, 2007, 05:22 PM

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Simply put, its not as useful as a few others Ive seen, and I love how RMS is up to date.

RoEmpire puts monster data for the monsters on the map as well, and that makes it easier to see if thats a map you want to be on, or if you should keep looking (usually when looking for places to find a specific monster to kill, since some areas have some nastier monsters for certain classes)

This would likely be a somewhat simple change, that would make it much more useful.


As to Monster search, an upper range for exp would make it easier to find stuff thats better than what you are currently killing, but not impossibly so (This one should be easy as well)


the map view change i thought about it, i came across a Malaysian site that looked almost exactly like roempire and has a kind of "move to the next map thru a warp" click ... that impressed me and i was thinking if i can make it do like that on my site ...

forgot what was the site url if anyone can help me find it ... i think i saw the link it in this forum
found it, i think it's this

aww damn i dont have a clue how to start with cgi ...

- monster search exp change -- will have to note this down during next update.
  -- i will add this here too: