Started by Kappa2, May 29, 2017, 01:30 AM

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Ngomong-ngomong ini awal aku main private server Ragnarok, jadi ini pertama kalinya.
pertama kali main masih agak bingung karena berbeda dengan Ro sebelumnya
dan banyaknya update sana sini yang aku enggak tahu, juga mohon maaf kalau review -
ini menggunakan bahasa indonesia karena english ku tak begitu baik, jadi siapapun yang
membaca review ini atau sama - sama Valorian boleh kok untuk buat english editionnya.  /no1
terima kasih kalau nantinya ada yg mau buat english editionnya agar banyak player luar
yg tertarik dan mau bermain dan bergabung bersama kita.

untuk game Ro valor ini pun menurut aku sangat nyaman untuk dimainkan karena diberikan
banyak fasilitas yang memudahkan player saat bermain.
Berikut review dari aku.

Info                  WEB                    Daftar


Server Ro Valor ini terbilang baru karena baru berjalan beberapa minggu.
menurut aku selama bermain beberapa hari ini lumayan stabil walaupun "terkadang"
agak sedikit lag tapi menurut aku not bad lah, mungkin dikarenakan ambil server dari luar.
(saran aku sih gunakan VPN)

Stability      : █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
Availability : █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █


GM atau biasa disebut game master atau mimin :v
menurut aku pribadi GM Valor satu ini agak eksentrik, tapi tenang, orangnya baik kok, kalau ditanya pasti jawab
dan tidak segan segan membantu player (memberikan saran /no1), mimin juga berusaha bekerja dengan profesional
serta cepat tanggap disaat terjadi masalah ataupun gangguan didalam gim, intinya GM satu ini Friendly banget dan
mau akrab dengan semua player.

oh iya, jangan salah mimin Valor ini selalu online/standby kira kira 15 - 17 jam per hari loh. salut deh.

Friendliness      : █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
Availability       : █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
Helpfulness      : █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █


Untuk saat ini Ro Valor mayoritas masih diisi oleh orang indonesia dan semoga kedepannya yg dari luarpun semakin
bertambah dan bergabung bersama kami. para player didalam gim ini pun semuanya terbilang ramah dan juga mau
menolong satu sama lain, semoga ini terus bertahan dan kekompakkan valorian tetap terus terjaga.

Friendliness      : █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
Economy          : █ █ █ █ █ █ █

Game play

Akhirnya kita sampai di bahasan yg paling menegangkan eh mksdnya unsur paling penting dalam Gim ini,
ada beberapa hal yg mungkin aku enggak bisa bahas karena banyak hal belum diimplementasikan seperti GVG dll

Seperti yg aku bilang diawal untuk GVG masih belum diimplementasikan tetapi fitur guild sudah berjalan dan sepertinya
perlahan tapi pasti Valor Ro nantinya akan sampai pada tahap WOE, kita tunggu saja tanggal mainnya.

Guild : █ █ █  (not yet started)

Buat maniak yg gemar tawuran didalam gim (canda /heh) fitur satu ini recommended banget deh.
berikut beberapa fitur yang telah tersedia dan diimplementasikan di dalam Gim :

*PvP Arena
Dengan mengalahkan player lainnya, kalian akan berkesempatan mendapatkan Valor badge, apa itu Valor badge?
Valor badge adalah hadiah atau semacam mata uang arena yg diberikan kepada peserta yg berhasil mengalahkan
lawan-lawannya/player lainnya, Valor Badge yg terkumpul dapat teman-teman gunakan atau tukarkan dengan
berbagai macam item/perlengkapan PVP di battleground! (Kalahkan lawanmu dan Jadilah yg terkuat)

*Pvp 3v3 party Arena
Buat party kamu sendiri max berisi 3 player dan tantang party lainnya. Fitur ini juga dapat
digunakan sebagai ajang latihan untuk turnamen yg berlangsung sebulan sekali!

Pertandingan party acak, sedikit berbeda dengan PVP 3V3 yg anggotanya setiap party ditentukan oleh leader,
di fitur ini player disetiap party diacak, Krieger von Midgard arena 3v3 5v5 7v7

*Last Man Standing
Event harian PVP yg tersedia 2 kali dalam sehari, berhadiah valor badge.

*Tournament 3v3 Valor Arena,
Kalau LMS itu event harian, Fitur yg satu ini adalah even bulanan, yg membedakannya dari even PVP yg lainnya
adalah hadiah yg lebih menarik daripada yg lainnya, hadiah pada fitur ini dapat digunakan untuk membeli ber
bagai gear/equipment PVP dan kostum-kostum spesial yang menarik. (Fitur ini belum sepenuhnya diimplementasikan
didalam gim, dan masih dalam pengembangan, jadi masukan dan saran dari para valorian akan sangat membantu)

Selengkapnya cek disini : PVP INFO

+Custom NPC
Banyak fitur yang tersedia di gim ini dan sangat memudahkan player dalam bermain, seperti town helper yg
bisa memberikan beberapa buff seperti healer, warper yang memudahkan player dalam menjelajahi setiap dungeon
yang ada di ragnarok (tidak semua dungeon), tool expert yang menjual beberapa barang yg useful banget buat player,
dan semuanya tersedia disetiap kota di Ro Valor ini. Job changer yg siap mengubah job/class anda tanpa harus quest
asalkan memenuhi syarat base/job level.

Helpfulness      : █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █

Tidak ada kata susah dalam leveling karena telah disediakan Quest eden (@go eden) yg siap membantu player
dengan memberikan berbagai macam tugas/misi yg harus diselesaikan dan tentunya player yg menyelesaikan misi akan
mendapatkan hadiah berupa experience baik Base level/job level yg lumayan besar. menarik bukan?

note : new player diberikan kemudahan karena diberikan equip standar gratisan yang membantu player diawal-awal bermain.

Difficulty : █ █ █ █  (easy to level up)

Event didalam Gim ini cukup beragam dan menarik yg paling penting membuat para player tidak bosan dalam bermain.
seperti poring catcher, poring race atau balapan poring, king poring evasion,dice event dll, ada hadiahnya loh.
Cek disini : Prontera Mini games & Event

Eventfulness : █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █

Untuk job atau class saya nggak bisa berbicara banyak karena belum coba semua class tapi ada beberapa yg bilang
unbalance atau sebagainya tapi namanya juga gim dan kebanyakan memang seperti ini tinggal bagaimana kita memainkannya.

Di Ro Valor ini untuk Class Max sampai pada 3rd class. LvL 175 Job 60

Class Balance      : █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █


oke deh sekian dulu, berhubung sudah capek dan bingung mau nulis apa kekeke, semoga kedepannya Ro Valor semakin banyak
playernya dari dalam maupun luar negeri dan tetap menyenangkan.

Untuk teman-teman yg sudah menyediakan waktunya untuk membaca review ini aku ucapkan terima kasih.
Mari bergabung dan bermain bersama kami. Valorian Fight.  /kis

Terima kasih


I know that most RO players are from philipines, but really, why not in english?


At least run this through Google Translate or something.


Quote from: kassumi on May 29, 2017, 12:16 PM
I know that most RO players are from philipines, but really, why not in english?

It is actually in Indonesian language..i'm not indo but i can understand most of it and at the early paragraph..he did apologized since his english isn't very good.. /wah

Quote from: SukiChii on May 29, 2017, 06:14 PM
At least run this through Google Translate or something.

Google translate sucks though..he did request fellow Valorian that read this review to help him translate it in English, so I might do it later ^^  /kis2

I'll just roughly translate since my understanding with Indo language is still pretty limited..
He said this is his first time playing private server so everything seems brand new to him, a little confusing since its a lot different than what RO is in his previous experience. He apologized for not doing this in English since his English is bad, so he asked fellow Valorians to help him translate this so we will be able to attract to play with them/us.

For Valor, he said its pretty easy(?)/breezy(?)..beautiful cover girl..since there's a lot of facilities that can help players early game.

His Review:-

SERVER: The server is few weeks old (when he write this), but based on the time he plays the svr, it is VERY MUCH stable..eventho there's a little bit lagg but mostly bcoz the svr location (he suggest to use VPN oh btw  svr is located in mid euro IIRC)

GM : he thinks that GM Valor personality is very eccentric, but calm, kind, always answering to ur questions, and always helping players (giving tips and suggestions), he also professional and work hard. He also react so fast if there's any problems. All in all, this GM Valor is very friendly and seems like he wants to reach out to all players possible. Oh right, GM Valor also always online/on standby 15-17 hours a day..salute!

PLAYER : Currently the majority of the players are Indonesian (HEY IM NOT =P), and hopefully in future will be able to get more players from outside to play with us. The players here also is very/too friendly and always helping each other out. May this last long....(idk what he say but prolly something along `so the community is stable?`err...i tried fam)

GAME PLAY : Now the real talk/most important point which is game play . There's still a lot of things he cant say since it is yet to be implemented like GVG etc.

GVG : like i said it havent been implemented yet but other guild features work like usual. Slowly but surely, Valor RO will implement their WOE.

PVP : For PVP Maniacs, this feature is highly recommended. There are few types of PVP such as
/o PVP Arena - by killing other players, u will be able to get Valor Badge. What is Valor Badge? It is some sort of prize / currency..u can collect this badge and exchange it for various items/consumables for PVP in Battleground (Beat your enemies and become the best!)

  /o PVP 3vs3 Arena - Make ur very own 3-man party and fight against another party. This feature will help players to practice for the tournament that will happen once a month!

/o Battelground - Differ from PVP Arena, the players will be shuffled in a party (i think he meant randomly as well) KVM 3vs3, 5vs5, 7vs7

/o Last man standing - Daily PVP event..twice a day..winner will get Valor Badge.

/o Tournament 3 vs 3 Arena - If LMS is daily event, this one is monthly event. The prize is more interesting as well. U will be able to get variety of gears/pvp equipment dan special and also interesting costumes (this feature is not fully implement..he prolly say about the special costumes...but special hats  /kis) This is still WIP so fellow Valorians are welcome to give suggestions and it will help a lot.
He also provide link for full PVP Info for everyone to check out~

CUSTOM NPC : Town helper (give heal and buff (agi/bless), warper (not all dungeon..hmm field also no provided actually..i think it will only open for members of guild that holding castle), Tool experts, Other NPCs that sell useful stuffs (different npc that sell items for different classes..), Job Changer

LEVELING : Its not hard at all with the help of eden board quest (@go eden). There's also hunting quests/collection quests u can do and it give massive bas and job exp..interesting right?

note-new player can get a standard starting gears that will help players for early lvling.. (u can get +10 of newbie stuffs in starting area)

EVENTS : there's plenty and various interesting events that will make players not bored and tired of playing. He listed out all the automated events and provide link to it.

JOB/CLASS : he cant say much about this since he havent try all classes yet, he did said a lot of ppl say its imbalance etc but (errr he kept mentioning "gim" and all i can think of is "gym" but wth is gym ughhh /wah )..he did say everything will be based on players skill on variations like how u play the class. Max level is 175/60.

Ok peeps that is all, at this point he kinda tired and overloaded with what to write more, he hopes that in future VALOR RO will be able to get more players from inside (pretty sure he meant indo) and from outside (other than indo) as well. He said thanks for everyone that willing to spent time reading his review.

Lets unite and play together with us! Valorian Fight!  /kis


WEW I MADE hard to translate his excitement all throughout the post tho.. /swt i did my best  /no1
i do wish the same as him, for Valor to get more players! Until then, hit me up in game if u ever see me online ^^ (always the AB in prontera)


thanks for the review Kappa2 , glad to have you playin on our server Valor RO.
he using indonesian language, and our players and mostly indonesian plus some from philipine, malaysia, canada,US, Russia, Ukraine, etc

ill try sum his review with google translate  /wah
new server stable for me, even somtimes i feel lag but not bad. vpn helps
the GM are helpfull and friendly
Majority of the players are from indonesia
not started yet do lack of guild.
Pvp Arena
kill players got valor badge and used to buy item on battleground shop
Pvp 3v3 Arena
3v3 man party pvp skirmish or practice for real 3v3 monthly tournament
random party battle on Krieger von Midgrad 3v3 5v5 7v7
Last Man Standing
Pvp Free for all event twice a day to earn more valor badge
Tournament 3v3 arena
monthly 3v3 pvp party with prize
Custom NPC available
such complete tool dealer,warper healer, repair, job changer etc
Freebies available for newcomer
server have hourly Event (link given)
Job Class
3rd job Class, lvl 175 / 60 balanced

tired and confused what to write kekeke, hope Valor RO got more player in future
from around the world and keep it fun.

For friends who have been providing time to read this review I thank you.
Please join us and play with us. Valorian Fight.
hope its helps ^^


oh add info:
Valor RO Eden Quest and Hunter Corps quest to leveling.. help you reach max 175 /ok and some instance


Didnt understand anything but here's a helpful but random note: use numbers instead of blocks. 8/10 would have been much easier to figure out than 8 blocks... /swt


his review summary  /no1
Quote from: Kappa2 on May 29, 2017, 01:30 AM
Stability      : 8/10
Availability : 8/10

Friendliness      :8/10
Availability       : 9/10
Helpfulness      : 8/10

Friendliness      :8/10
Economy          :7/10

Game play
Guild :3/10  (not started yet)

*PvP Arena
*Pvp 3v3 party Arena
*Last Man Standing
*Tournament 3v3 Valor Arena,

+Custom NPC
Helpfulness      : 10/10
Difficulty : 4/10  (easy to level up)

Prontera Mini games & Event
Eventfulness : 8/10
Class Balance      : 8/10


Hello2 I've been joining this server for nearly 2 months as a ranger, it's been fun so far /ho /ho. So I kinda feel like I need to write some review for a nice server heheh... the gm is nice and very informative about what's goin on inside this server(he can be annoying at times though haha).
There's been some mods about the drop rates but he balances it out so it's not too easy or too hard.
And as far as I've been playing, the server rarely ever malfunctioned or down and it never took a long time for maintenance or bug fixes (valor usually fix them less than 2 hours as long as he's online)
There have been quite a number of people inside of the server at the moment, mostly indonesian and SEA region players, but we mainly chat in english, and recently we had 1 guild migrating here (I'm joining them at the moment >_>)
And each hour everyday valor made various interesting event with various rewards to keep us from getting bored.
The cash shop/donation system is not making the players becoming super OP I think(this is important since some f2p games such as a*ka tends to become Pay to win game) and some in game events enables us to get cash points/cash items.
The only downside is maybe we'll be needing more people or 1 more opposition guild to start woe hehehe
So we'll be expecting more people to join us /kis /kis