Ragnarok Royale

Started by Airell, Jul 31, 2008, 10:15 AM

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Recovering from the wipes, Ragnarok Royale is now better than ever. Friendly community, dedicated GMs and challenging quests. Your ragnarok skills will be tested here as well. It's a very fair server that let's you do quest first before you obtain a job class.  It feels like your playing the real Public RO! Helpful and dedicated community also lives here. Lots of events occurs here and the big ones gets you excited!

GM characteristics:
- Dedicated
- Friendly
- Helpful
- They will try to answer your question as much as they can.
- They have long temper.
- Very enthusiastic!

Community characteristics:
- Friendly
- Will help you in any aspects
- Try to answer your question or lead you to the GM
- Builds a friendly bonding
- Helps you with strategies and hand you out their skills
- And more!

Databses, Maps, Customs:

They are all in progress and improving.

I would like to write more while the server is progressing. Thanks for reading.

You can look here for our reviews :http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=detailedlistserver&serid=1608&itv=6&url_sname=Ragnarok%20Royale