
Started by Ominoto, Oct 28, 2008, 01:43 PM

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I'm trying to help him solidify his grounds on the alleged claims that he misused his GM powers to get to level 99 in one day. If you still can't understand that, seriously, I'm at a loss for words that someone at your age cannot grasp such a simple message I'm trying to convey(Note: Not arguing, trying to help him clarify his points).

And it was never a pissing contest. I wanted to clarify it simply, that it wasn't an argument to begin with. You seem be taking this very personal. Get over it, seriously. I'm not trying to jump down your throat and shove a turkey in there.

And yes, when money is involved, it is a serious business, as opposed to the shady concept of "Whatever an administrator does with the money is his own business".




Just because I support something has no relations to my friendship with that person (Yes, I do not know that person). And yes, if an administrator cannot be transparent about what he does with the money, it is shady. Don't like that term? Then simply don't let others know where you stand about the usage of donation money, it's really that simple. I will call you on it every time I see it, because it is shady. The problem is not so much an issue, but will turn into one when the shady nature of the money usage is questionable.


 As literate as an insult may be, its still an insult, don't think that just because you can make an insult sound more profound it will excuse the insult.


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