FenirirRO the power Review Deleter

Started by asnanon, Mar 14, 2010, 08:39 AM

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A friend of mine told me that his Review on FenirirRO has been deleted for no reason, he even didn't write something bad about the server, just that his account has been banned because he gratualted someone on the Forum, he didn't even had the chance to make a character on the server.
That's why we were supsicious about that server and we were watching it on rms.
We saw that not only his review got deleted, no almost every review that gave less than 50 points, only one which has been posted again, got an answear and hasn't been deleted.
Back to my friends Review he has reposted that Review everyday and just everyday it got deleted for no reason.
Could you please look after it?
My friends rms name is Beruchi.




You mean this:

Kann leider nicht viel zum Server sagen, wurde wahrscheinlich wegen zu wenig Aktivität gebannt?
0 erstellte Chars und nur ein Post im Forum, in dem ich dort jemandem zum Geburtstag gratuliert habe...
Aber ich denke mal, dass der Server eigentlich ganz ok ist, wenn man nicht vom GM Team preventiv ausgeschlossen wird und immer ganz lieb zu denen ist...
Wünsche allen, die hier anfangen, viel Spaß.

The review got reported and google translated it as:

Unfortunately can not say much to the server, was probably banned because of too little activity?
0 chars and just created a post in the forum, in which I congratulated where someone had a birthday ...
But I think that the server is actually quite ok, if one is not Preventiv excluded from the GM team, and always very nice to where ...
Wish you all start here, a lot of fun.

It says right there your friend did not have any char on the server.  That is a violation to our review guidelines:  http://ratemyserver.net/review_guidelines.php

Reviewer should only review the server after playing the server.  Connection problem or forum problem should have nothing to do with a review. 

I deleted this same review 3 days in a roll and because he fails to read the guideline + reposting it 3 times.  His account's right to review the same server again is removed to avoid further harassment.

For other reviews on the same server, IIRC some of them are made with multiple account from the same person so they have to be banned with all review removed.


Ah thank you very much =)
Me myself had red it long time ago and just forgot about it.
Wow I have to say the google translator has improved alot, you can realy understand the translation without bigger problems.