Dear Lord DDOS

Started by tomosuke, Jan 06, 2011, 09:53 PM

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Why is it that server nowadays are being plagued by DDOS attacks?


Cus' haters gonna hate.
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Because people get banned/muted, or they don't get what they want and they think the best response is to act like stupid, spoiled children.
You seem kinda mad. Why are you mad? You seem really mad, but I'm not quite sure why. Could you explain your anger using logical means? What legitimate reason do you have for being mad?


Because it's effective and none of the 0815-serveradmins know how to protect against it.
TotalRO - 10x/10x


Quote from: DarkDevine on Jan 07, 2011, 02:05 AM
Because it's effective and none of the 0815-serveradmins know how to protect against it.

Sad, but true.

No server I've ever been on thus far that has been DDoS attacked has been able to cope with it.  Even sadder is from what I've seen the owner either shuts down the server because of the consistent attacks or they go corrupt for the angry individual in hopes that they stop.  Lol

Cheese Time

It kinda cant be stopped though :/


There are ways to stop it, like redirecting it somewhere else and/or slowing it by banning access from certain ip's or countries etc.

Cheese Time

Theres always a way, but im saying it kinda cant be stopped cause all the server admins are 12 year olds -_-


It just might be a good thing, tbh there's way too many crappy servers out there that deserve to be put out of commission...  ::)


There's a lot of misconception about what a DDoS attack is, but, 1 thing is for sure, a decent DDoS attack cannot be defended without any downside or extreme expenses. No mather how much you'll flame me for saying that, it is the truth. Any data centers experienced tech you may encounter will tell you the exact same thing.

Things you can do :
-Various deflate scripts (or write your own)
-Optimize your TCP/IP settings depending on the attack type
-Get higher bandwidth
-Get on a extremely expensive DDoS protection (you won't get anything under 1 or 2 grand a month)

To anyone saying "ban an IP range", 99.9% of the DDoS attacks spoofed IPs or uses hundreds of different sources to attack a server. Banning areas isn't really a valuable solution...

My host (Softlayer) has a "Cisco Guard" which is their system to protect DDoS attacks. It will filter harmful connections and let the rest pass to the server. However, that system is only a emergency feature they offer (24 hours). Obviously, if you want a permanent protection, it wont be without high expenses.

So no, there isn't any "real" solution (beside systems that private servers don't have the funds for), only methods to "help" your server to handle the attack. You cannot "block" it.


Quote from: DarkDevine on Jan 07, 2011, 02:05 AM
Because it's effective and none of the 0815-serveradmins know how to protect against it.

lol nice epic description hahahaha :) people just love revenge these days :p
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bros i heard ddosers play the server so let them ddos they are keeping the server alive
beep beep


Who would DDOS a server they are currently playing on


Quote from: KitKatBar on Jan 09, 2011, 02:20 PM
Who would DDOS a server they are currently playing on

Someone blackmailing to be able to donate for items not normally available.

Unless they're just a psychopath, then I dunno.


Or they're just bored and want to bring down a new server/a current one with known (or famous for) issues.
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