Reserve NPC

Started by themon, Apr 27, 2013, 08:22 AM

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//Reserve NPC by teamcars of [email protected]

prontera,147,162,5   script   Reserve Girl   891,{

   mes "[Reserve Girl]";
   mes "I am a Reserve Girl.";
   mes "Buy stat points: ^0000FF2,500^000000z";
   mes "Reserve stat points";
   mes "Use Reserve stat points";
   mes "Please select the service you want:";
   menu "^FF3355Buy stat points",Lr0,"Reserve stat points",Lr1,"Use Reserve stat points^000000",Lr2,"Quit",LrEnd;
      mes "[Reserve Girl]";
      mes "^0000FF" + strcharinfo(0) + "^000000";
      mes "How Many Stat Points you want to buy?";
      input @BuyST;
      set @ttal,(@BuyST*2500);
      if (Zeny < @ttal) goto rNeedZenys;
      mes "That will be ^0000FF" + @ttal + "^000000z!";
      mes "Do you still wanna buy stat?";
      menu "^FF3355Buy",Lrsyes,"Ive change my mind^000000",Lrsno;
      set StatusPoint,StatusPoint+@BuyST;
      set Zeny,zeny-@ttal;
      Set @Cres,StatusPoint;
      goto STdis2;
      mes "Thanks you ^0000FF" + strcharinfo(0) + "^000000!";
      mes "Come Again!";
      mes "[Reserve Girl]";
      if (StatusPoint <= 0) goto rNstat;
      Set @Cres,StatusPoint;
      mes "Alright, How Many Stat Point you want to Reserve!";
      mes "Your Available Stat ^0000FF" + @Cres + "^000000! ";
      input @ResST;
      if (@ResST > StatusPoint) goto rNstat;
      set StatusPoint,StatusPoint-@ResST;
      set #STres,#STres+@ResST;
      Set @Cres,StatusPoint;
      goto STdis1;
      mes "[Reserve Girl]";
      if (#STres == 0) goto rNores;
      mes "Alright, How Many Reserve Stat Point you want to use!";
      mes "Your Available Reserve Stat ^0000FF" + #STres + "^000000! ";
      input @uResST;
      if (@uResST > #STres) goto rNores;
      set #STres,#STres-@uResST;
      set StatusPoint,StatusPoint+@uResST;
      Set @Cres,StatusPoint;
      goto STdis1;
      mes "Your Available Stat ^0000FF" + @Cres + "^000000! ";
      mes "Your Available Reserve Stat ^0000FF" + #STres + "^000000! ";
      mes "Your Available Stat ^0000FF" + @Cres + "^000000! ";
         mes "Sorry, you don't have enough Zeny.";
         mes "Sorry, you don't have stat point that can be reserve.";
         mes "Sorry, you don't have reserve stat point.";

   waitingroom "Reserve NPC",0;


[edit by Triper: removed advertisement]