Human mob and @AL_TELEPORT

Started by MiyumiChan, Apr 18, 2015, 06:25 PM

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2686,Normal Jessica@AL_TELEPORT,walk,26,1,10000,0,0,yes,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,,
2686,Normal Jessica@AL_TELEPORT,idle,26,1,10000,0,0,yes,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,,
2686,Normal Jessica@AL_TELEPORT,idle,26,1,10000,0,0,no,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,,
2686,Normal Jessica@AL_TELEPORT,walk,26,1,10000,0,0,no,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,,

I just placed these on her. She hasn't been teleporting on rude attacked.

When I tested with like FBH or Chimera, they teleport on on rude attack. Is there something wrong with human mobs and using @AL_TELEPORT? or im missing something here?


Uh, I have never used the human mobs before but I'm wondering why you are repeating the skills twice for each monster state.

If you look at Fallen Bishop Hibram in rAthena's SQL files...

QuoteREPLACE INTO `mob_skill_db` VALUES (1871,'Fallen Bishop@AL_TELEPORT','idle',26,1,10000,0,0,'yes','self','rudeattacked',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
REPLACE INTO `mob_skill_db` VALUES (1871,'Fallen Bishop@AL_TELEPORT','walk',26,1,5000,0,5000,'yes','self','rudeattacked',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);

I'd just delete the AL_TELEPORT skills from Normal Jessica and re-insert the SQL into the table...

REPLACE INTO `mob_skill_db2` VALUES (2686,'Normal Jessica@AL_TELEPORT','idle',26,1,10000,0,0,'yes','self','rudeattacked',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
REPLACE INTO `mob_skill_db2` VALUES (2686,'Normal Jessica@AL_TELEPORT','walk',26,1,5000,0,5000,'yes','self','rudeattacked',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);

Note that I have mob_skill_db2 for that code. Change it to mob_skill_db if you want, but I use the second one for all my custom stuff.

I'm fairly certain that the walk state teleport on rude attack is set to 50% for pretty much every monster that teleports because it adds a little room for accidental rude attacks from running off screen too quickly or single accidents.

I've never had a problem just using that on any of my custom mobs.



If it's not what Reality explained, it could also be that the map doesn't allow teleport. Monsters have to obey that rule too, that's why ALLHEAL is used for maps without teleport instead.


Umm its fine now. I decided to give me body relocation instead shes more scarier now lol.


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