
Started by Ganondorf, Jul 15, 2010, 09:11 PM

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Well, to make a long story short, the Admin Snuffy Bob became lazy.  Whenever the players AND main scripter finally confronted him about it, drama occurred and Bob RageQuit, basically said that he no longer cares about the server anymore and that he can no longer balance the server with his school (understandable, maintaining a server can't be easy).  The players who stayed behind said that he never appeared again since that day.

Time passes, and after more than three weeks of neglect, eventually this becomes of the AcediaRO Forums and AcediaRO Control Panel.

AcediaRO Forums -

AcediaRO Control Panel -

So yeah, it pretty much explains itself.  He just fled the server and let it rot to Hell.  Too bad, it was quite a magnificent server.


Account suspended message showing on their site.

Alright, delisted.  Thank you for your report.