More HoS material! iHeartRO~

Started by DeePee, Jun 14, 2011, 02:57 AM

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Continuing with some Facebook advertisers~

Clicking the username links directly to their Facebook page, so it's definitely the admin's doing. Website seems to be a collection of ripped images, too.

I suggest avoiding this server:

Funny enough, their own forums are spammed by some server named OmniRO, haha.


DeePee They did that on my server too. LOL.

Note: OH LOOK its jeff0807 again? LMAO OMG when can you even learn to not do such dirty tactics to get players. I remember your old server trying to advertise on my server. I think its valkyian ro or whatever your server name is I just recognized your name and you're even spamming emails to my old forums to players and you kept on denying it but now wow.. EPIC. So blunt on doing that tactics of yours now ehh.. Facebook =) Oh wait you're gonna deny it again? LMAO. *facepalm*

Oh nice website btw you used to steal on my website now..

you stole from vast?

good job jeff really good job on this one. LOL
