Started by n0tmyd8, Jul 13, 2012, 07:30 AM

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Is there a way to change the skill name display to IRO name skill display (e.g Sacrifice to Matyr's Reckoning).. well i do not own the server im just a player...


You could ... depend on the client you are using, if it reads the data folder it would be easier otherwise you have to replace the files in the grf or add a grf to be read in the data.ini.

The skill name, for the latest exe they are read from data\lua files\*.lua in your RO directory.  skillinfolist.lua and skilldescript.lua should matter at least, not sure about the others.  You want to extract these files from an iRO client and then replace those in your RO folder.


ok im not much of a programmer... what programs should i use to extract this files.. and is there a site where i can just download it and just put it to my RO folder..


You can use a number of grf tools from here >>

Such as grf Factory, GRF Tool etc.  I recommend you try extract the files from the grf (for grf factory it will create the path in the data folder) and then use a note pad to edit some of the skill names then see if you see the change in game before moving to the next step.


When you download the program yC showed you..
Simply go to data -> and check out (skillsdesctable) (skillsnametable)