Abracadabra skil tiltle "????"

Started by figueiredoceduardo, Nov 19, 2019, 09:32 AM

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Hi Friends, sorry for my bad inglish.

I'm trying to change the title " ???? " that appears TOP of screem to other name like "UHDUSHDUSHDUSHDUSHDUSHDUSH"

i already tried modify GRF skillnames.lua/txt.. don't work

Someone can help me?

my whats +5519997122732



Not really familiar with the skill but you can take the part off of tf_hiding and stick it into abracadabra within the src and try

if (tsce) {
clif->skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,-1,status_change_end(bl, type, INVALID_TIMER)); //Hide skill-scream animation.
return 0;
} else if( tsc && tsc->option&OPTION_MADOGEAR ) {

clif->skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,-1,status_change_end(bl, type, INVALID_TIMER)); //Hide skill-scream animation.

Never used this in particular but play around and stick it in these parts

int abra_skill_id = 0, abra_skill_lv, abra_idx;
do {
abra_idx = rnd() % MAX_SKILL_ABRA_DB;
abra_skill_id = skill->dbs->abra_db[abra_idx].skill_id;
} while (abra_skill_id == 0 ||
skill->dbs->abra_db[abra_idx].req_lv > skill_lv || //Required lv for it to appear
rnd()%10000 >= skill->dbs->abra_db[abra_idx].per
abra_skill_lv = min(skill_lv, skill->get_max(abra_skill_id));
clif->skill_nodamage (src, bl, skill_id, skill_lv, 1);

if (sd) {
// player-casted
sd->state.abra_flag = 1;
sd->skillitem = abra_skill_id;
sd->skillitemlv = abra_skill_lv;
clif->item_skill(sd, abra_skill_id, abra_skill_lv);
} else {
// mob-casted
struct unit_data *ud = unit->bl2ud(src);
int inf = skill->get_inf(abra_skill_id);
if (ud == NULL)
int id = src->id;
struct pet_data *pd = BL_CAST(BL_PET, src);
if (pd != NULL && pd->msd != NULL)
id = pd->msd->bl.id;
unit->skilluse_id(src, id, abra_skill_id, abra_skill_lv);
} else { //Assume offensive skills
int target_id = 0;
if (ud->target)
target_id = ud->target;
else switch (src->type) {
case BL_MOB: target_id = BL_UCAST(BL_MOB, src)->target_id; break;
case BL_PET: target_id = BL_UCAST(BL_PET, src)->target_id; break;
if (!target_id)
if (skill->get_casttype(abra_skill_id) == CAST_GROUND) {
bl = map->id2bl(target_id);
if (!bl) bl = src;
unit->skilluse_pos(src, bl->x, bl->y, abra_skill_id, abra_skill_lv);
} else
unit->skilluse_id(src, target_id, abra_skill_id, abra_skill_lv);

clif->skill_nodamage (src, bl, skill_id, skill_lv, 1);




he's talking about in client.

in CGameMode::ProcessNameBalloon there there is a call to CSession::IsAbracatabra(int). for all skills between skillId >= SKID_SA_MONOCELL && skillId <= SKID_SA_COMA; it returns true

so you want to turn it into an unconditional jump past that function, or make the function only return true for SA_CLASSCHANGE (this makes the auto-hocus macros ridiculous)


Quote from: misterj on Nov 19, 2019, 03:22 PM
he's talking about in client.

in CGameMode::ProcessNameBalloon there there is a call to CSession::IsAbracatabra(int). for all skills between skillId >= SKID_SA_MONOCELL && skillId <= SKID_SA_COMA; it returns true

so you want to turn it into an unconditional jump past that function, or make the function only return true for SA_CLASSCHANGE (this makes the auto-hocus macros ridiculous)

Hi brother, good evening.

Thanks for answer my doubt, is exactly this.

please, can you tell me which file do I find " CGameMode::ProcessNameBalloon " ?

i searched in data.grf but not found anything about.

i'm using GRF Editor.

One more time, thank you  and sorry for my inexperience.


Oh right, I love decompiling my client



please, can you tell me which file do I find " CGameMode::ProcessNameBalloon " ?

i searched in data.grf but not found anything about.

pls someone??


Just forget about it, you're not gonna get anywhere. It's too complicated for a beginner. Maybe try reading this book (don't know if it's good, but seems so).
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