aRo non donation 255/80,pre

Started by newalex, Aug 31, 2014, 02:44 PM

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- rAthena Platform/+2013 client
- rates:2k/2k/40% PRE-RENEWAL
- drops: 40% on all items and cards, Healing items 60%
- Max Level: 255/80 max 99 stats
- Regular WoE + rewards
- Godly/Customs = easy quests.
- no-donation
- pvp with serveral maps
- instant cast = 150 dex
- easy to farm yggs
- all commands
- Freebie npc with pvp ready weapons,armors,accesory
- customized autoevents, with rewards
- Miner and stock market for easy zeny
- Server time philipin,US hosted. Owner/main admin is from Romania.
- Voting rewards
- Buffer,healer,Itemmall,Custom refiner.
- Chillful Prontera.
- Daily login rewards
- 3rd ready when there will be enough ppl and they want it.

And much more....... visit