Whats the best Job For This server?

Started by Lepyro, Aug 16, 2010, 08:05 AM

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my server has

Server info:
Max level - 99/70
Max stats - 120x
Exp Rate - 100x
Job Rate - 50x
Item drop rate - 20x

whats the best job for MvP/PvP/Woe in this server ?

and yes, its hard to find items

any reply would be appreciated :3


Just look at all the 99/70 guides and apply them on your weird server setup. With a piece of brain, it is possible.


yes, sorry i've changed my question

whats the best job for my server?

it just started 1 week ago


can u post the name of the server, coz the server might have edited or custom items.


the server havent been listed on RMS

and yesh no custom equipment except 3rd jobs

any idea what job i should be making?

i was thinking about Warlocks / champion
