question about sniper

Started by Wlad, Nov 29, 2009, 05:40 AM

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I want to ask, how can i calculate what ASPD will sniper have?


ASPD = 200-(Delay*DelayDecrease)

Delay = (250-AGI-(DEX/4))*(200-ASPD Base)/250
DelayDecrease = 1-Speed Mod

This is from irowiki,'s how you calc it:

ASPD Base = 140 for bows. (if a hunter wields it)

So for example I have an archer with 90 AGI and 95 DEX total, and is using a concentration potion.

(250-90-(95/4))*(200-140)/250 = 32.7

Concentration pot = 10%, = a mod of 0.1
DelayDecrease = 1-0.1 = 0.9

ASPD = 200-(Delay*DelayDecrease) = 200-(32.7*0.9) = 170.57, which will be truncated to 170

If the sniper didn't use a concentration pot, or any other delaydecreasing items/gear, just do 200-(Delay)


thanks, yoy helped me :)
and what about awakening potion?


Concentration pot = 0.1
Awakening pot = 0.15
Berserk potion = 0.2
Poison bottle = 0.25

For card percentages, do / 100.