anti asassin

Started by Kvein, Aug 13, 2010, 03:38 AM

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anyone how to kill an asassin with champion ?
because everytime i used ruwach, they sb-ed me first...
always die..
n now my fren know how to make asassin's sb miss
but idk how...
i dont think he's using ED though..


Sonic Blow misses because :
1) High Flee
2) Safety Wall

Use Sight because Ruwach has delay.

I used to relocate near them , sight and asura or whatever you prefer to use.


Don't come to them, let them come to you while you have sight/ruwach up.

Respond by body relocating away, use quad marina mace and FO lvl 1 them.
If they don't freeze keep walking away until you can somewhat.. nail them with an efist.

idk champ vs sin is a stupid match up, unless you can guess what element the sinx is using you're pretty limited, might want to just team up with a prof/priest.